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Open for Public Comment through February 29: EU-U.S. Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report


Save the Date for February 22 Webinar

The U.S. Government and European Commission, operating under the auspices of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC), have released a jointly-authored draft EU-U.S. TTC Digital Identity Mapping Exercise Report. This document is part of a transatlantic mapping exercise with the objective of finding commonalities between EU and U.S. approaches to digital identity.

Released on December 22, the document provides the preliminary results of an initial mapping centered on the definitions, assurance levels, and references to international standards included across Revision 3 of the NIST Digital Identity Guidelines (Special Publication 800-63, Revision 3) and European Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.

Respond by February 29

The U.S. and European Commission are now seeking comments, including feedback on the draft report and potential use cases for transatlantic cooperation that highlight the need for and value of enabling the cross-border use of digital identities.

ANSI encourages all relevant stakeholders to respond, including:

  • Communities with subject matter expertise in digital identity, privacy, human-centered design, and cybersecurity
  • Organizations that have designed or implemented digital identity systems within the EU, the U.S., or in cross-border contexts
  • Others with equities related to the topic of digital identity

The Digital Identity Subgroup is particularly interested in feedback on the following topics:

  • Definitions
    • Additional definitions that could be added to the existing mapping exercise
    • Any additional context that could be incorporated in the current mapping to clarify when and how certain definitions apply
  • Levels of assurance
    • Feedback on the extent to which the mapping reflects the experiences of individuals and organizations that have overseen or been the subject of real-world implementation
    • Additional components (i.e., Column A of each tab within the linked mapping exercise spreadsheet) that could be added to the mapping, for instance evidence requirements or allowed authenticators
  • International standards references
    • Additional references that could be added
    • Which standards individuals and/or their organizations rely on most often, and for what sectors and scenarios
  • Ecosystem gaps and questions
    • If/what gaps exist in technical guidance and standards
    • If/what gaps exist in the body of knowledge and research related to identity verification; open questions that could be addressed through dedicated joint EU-U.S. research efforts
    • If/what gaps exist in the market of available identity verification services and technologies
    • Barriers to cross-border interoperability of identity solutions and processes, such as policies, practical challenges, and other factors
  • Use cases
    • Input on the most critical use cases that would benefit from transatlantic pre-standardization research cooperation on remote identification, e.g.:
      • transportation/travel (digital travel credentials, mobile driving licences)
      • financial services (retail payment, eInvoicing)
      • health (health records)
      • education/professional credentials (diplomas, certifications).

Feedback can be submitted until February 29, 2024, at 11:49 p.m. ET. via [email protected] or [email protected].

Save the Date: Virtual Workshop on February 22

NIST and the European Commission will host a related webinar on February 22, 2024. Attendees will:

  • Hear an overview of the U.S. and EU's efforts to map their digital identity frameworks
  • Provide feedback to NIST and the European Commission on the preliminary results of the mapping exercise
  • Weigh in on use cases where future U.S.-EU collaboration could accelerate progress on cross-border interoperability

Further information, including registration details, will be released in the coming weeks.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]