ANSI-Accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to ISO and TAG Administrators must comply with a set of ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities to keep their accreditation status active, as follows:
ANSI-Accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to ISO and TAG Administrators must comply with a set of ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities to keep their accreditation status active, as follows:
Periodically, ANSI publishes updates to its International Procedures and will provide all ANSI-accredited TAGs with a compilation of the revision(s). Each year, whether revisions are made to the procedures or not, ANSI issues a compliance form that must be signed and returned to ANSI by the responsible TAG Administrator, after a review of any changes and comparison with the TAG’s current accredited procedures.
If an accredited U.S. TAG revises its procedures – whether to align with revisions to the International Procedures or for any other reason – the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) must be notified and the revised procedures must be provided.
Any proposed revisions must be compliant with the current edition of the ANSI International Procedures.
Review of Revisions to U.S. TAG Procedures
Each ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG Administrator to ISO and ISO/IEC must prepare an annual report describing, in summary narrative form, the U.S. TAG activity during the past year. The TAG Annual Report form reminder is issued every December along with the TAG Annual Compliance Form.
Annual Reporting
As stated in section of the International Procedures, “Each U.S. TAG Administrator shall submit to ANSI a completed TAG Annual Compliance Form. In addition, an annual report shall be prepared by each U.S. TAG Administrator, describing in summary narrative form the U.S. TAG activity during the past year. The report shall be submitted to the ExSC or its designee no later than January 31 of the following year. In satisfying this requirement, meeting minutes and other appropriate reports and documents may be incorporated or appended, or referred to if previously distributed by ANSI. The annual report shall include:
If the U.S. TAG or TAG administrator has a concern with either the conduct or results of a self-audit completed to assure adherence to its own procedures and applicable ANSI and ISO criteria and procedures, it may be brought to the attention of the ExSC.
ANSI provides free mandatory training to support compliance with ANSI's procedures that govern the administration of the U.S. TAG and with ISO's procedures to ensure appropriate representation of U.S. interests at ISO.
Complete the following self-led online course upon U.S. TAG assignment (course may be taken again for a refresher):
See ISOT Resources for additional guidance documents.
In addition to the requirements referenced above, each U.S. TAG Administrator must be aware of the following applicable ANSI International Procedures (IP) and other policies:
ANSI's Procedures for handling Complaints Against ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAGs
ExSC Consideration of Complaints against ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAGs to ISO
See Section 21 of Operating Procedures of the ANSI Executive Standards Council
ANSI Auditing Policy and Procedures for ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAGs to ISO