The USNC operates on the basis of Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs), one for each IEC Technical Committee (TC), Subcommittee (SC), or Systems Committee (SyC) on which the USNC is a “Participating” (“P”) Member. USNC TAGs develop U.S. positions on technical – and certain policy – issues that are under consideration within the IEC technical committee structure.
A TAG consists of and is open to all U.S. nationally interested parties (companies, organizations, government agencies, etc.) directly and materially affected by the work of the IEC TC/SC. The process for developing USNC positions provides an opportunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by any single interest.
The USNC participates in almost the entire technical program of the IEC, and administers many key committees and subgroups.
USNC TAG Member Application:
Complete the application and send it to [email protected] along with your current CV.
USNC TAG Administrator Application:
Email [email protected] for information.
USNC Expert Appointment Form:
Complete the form and send it to [email protected].
Organizations and individuals interested in participating in USNC TAG activities are invited to contact the USNC Team at [email protected].
[email protected]