The ANSI Board of Standards Review (BSR) is responsible for the approval and withdrawal of American National Standards (except in the case of ANSI Audited Designators), and for other duties delegated by the National Policy Committee, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee, as stated in Section 7.11 of the ANSI Constitution and By-Laws. The BSR typically meets four times per year, in February, April, August, and November. All BSR decisions are made in Executive Session.
The BSR follows the Operating Procedures of the ANSI Board of Standards Review.
The functions of the BSR include (but are not limited to):
The Board of Standards Review applies a basic set of criteria set forth in the ANSI Essential Requirements to each standard that is a candidate for approval. Standards submitted without unresolved objections may be administratively approved by the BSR without further review. The BSR does not have jurisdiction over the standards of Audited Designators unless the Audited Designator chooses to submit one or more standards to the BSR for approval.
The BSR does not evaluate the content of standards and does not hear appeals with regard to technical issues. However, the BSR may hear an appeal with regard to whether a technical issue was given due consideration in accordance with the ANSI accredited standards developer's procedures and the ANSI Essential Requirements.
The BSR has the exclusive authority to render decisions with regard to issues it is charged to oversee, subject only to any possible further appeal pursuant to the applicable appeals procedures.
The BSR is made up of ANSI members, and comprises a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a minimum of 9 and maximum of 18 members per term, plus a non-voting secretary. The principal qualifications for membership are competence and the ability to render impartial judgment in the approval or withdrawal of American National Standards.
The members of the BSR serve as individuals, not as members or representatives of any organization. In this capacity, they are fiduciaries and must act in the best interest of ANSI. The members of the BSR must also abide by ANSI's Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transaction Policy and the ANSI Code of Conduct. Full details on member nominations and criteria are included in the Operating Procedures of the ANSI Board of Standards Review.
ANSI members who are interested in participating as a member of the BSR should contact Anne Caldas at [email protected].
Please note: ANSI staff should be contacted for questions regarding the Board of Standards Review or any other ANSI oversight committees and activities. Individual committee members listed here should not be contacted directly concerning ANSI business.
Access to ANSI Board of Standards Review Documents is restricted to ANSI BSR members only.
NSF International
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)
International Code Council (ICC)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
CSA Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)