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funded standards development SD-PPP MOdel

Model Description

A funded standards development SD-PPP is utilized when stakeholders need resources to conduct research, testing, or data gathering to help inform and develop standards. The activities may result in content development (such as test methods, best practices, or design requirements), technical presentations at a SDO meeting, or help with anonymizing information so industry data can be shared without revealing IP. In some cases, funding is allocated to an organization or to an individual with the objective of drafting a standard(s).

Use Cases

Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE)

The ASTM International Additive Manufacturing (AM) CoE is a collaborative partnership representing industry, government, and academia to conduct strategic research and development (R&D) to advance AM standardization.

  • Private Sector: Auburn University, EWI, MTC, NAMIC, NIAR, ISO, CEN, and others
  • Public Sector: FDA, FAA, NASA, NIST, DoD
  • Work Products: Research and Standards Roadmaps, Industry Standards Development, Industry workshops and conferences
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Clean Cookstoves and Cooking Solutions

In 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an RFQ entitled “Development of Fuel Efficiency, Emissions and Safety Performance Standards for the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air,” to provide support for the development of voluntary performance standards for emissions, fuel efficiency, and safety of cooking and heating technologies and fuels.

  • Private Sector: ANSI, ISO, KEBS, Clean Cooking Alliance, United Nations Foundation, PCIA
  • Public Sector: EPA
  • Work Products: Industry Standards Development
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Clean cookstoves

Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE)

The ASTM International Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE) is a collaboration between ASTM and consumers, industry, government, healthcare, and academia. The ET CoE seeks to improve the quality of life and participation of the general public through accelerating exo technology research, standards, testing, and training.

  • Private Sector: Exoskeleton Report, New Stone Soup, Prime Performance, HFES, NSC, SCRA, Smart HLPR, AExG, LiUNA
  • Public Sector: NIST, NIOSH, US Army DEVCOM SC
  • Work Products: Research and Standards Roadmaps, Industry Standards Development, Design competitions
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Federated Health Information Model (FHIM)

The purpose of the FHIM project was to coordinate efforts of the Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and other “partner” federal agencies involved in the development of electronic medical records and engage with multiple private sector standards development organizations (SDOs).

  • Private Sector: The Open Group, HL7
  • Public Sector: ONC, DoD, DHS, VA
  • Work Products: Standards Implementation, Technology Transfer
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FHIM Medical Record Security

Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR)

The Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) is structured to bring together all of the critical elements necessary to pursue solutions to major health challenges while strengthening the state and nation’s bioeconomy. IBBR hosts and holds public workshops and conferences to identify research, measurement science, and standards gaps.

  • Private Sector: University of Maryland, University of Maryland - Baltimore, MilliporeSigma, NIIMBL
  • Public Sector: NIST
  • Work Products: Research and Standards Gap Assessments, Government Standards
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Submit a standards-driven public-private partnership use case!

ANSI is accepting additional use cases of standards-driven public-private partnerships. To submit a use case, please follow the instructions in this template.

Funded Standards Development model characteristics

Funded Standards Development
Direct Participation icon

Direct Participation

The public sector directly participates in the standards development process alongside other stakeholders at the table
Standards Acceleration icon

Standard Acceleration

Focused on convening stakeholders to discuss opportunities, challenges, and needs for a given technology and applicable sectors
Funded Participation Icon

Funded Participation

Utilized to increase balance and participation of subject matter experts in the standards development process
Policy and Conformance Driven Icon

Policy & Conformance

The public and private sector collaborate to develop standards specifically to meet a new regulation, policy, or conformity assessment requirement

Staff Contacts

Christine D. Bernat

Associate Director, Standards Facilitation


[email protected]