Every year the IEC and ANSI honor the work and commitment of standout individuals who have made exceptional contributions to U.S. and global standards and conformity assessment activities. Each organization's annual awards program celebrates the accomplishments of experts and volunteers whose dedication and collaborative work enable voluntary standards and conformity assessment to solve problems, drive progress and innovation, and enhance health and safety for all.
The USNC is proud to highlight its many members who have been recogonized among a long and distinguished list of past honorees leaving their mark in the annals of the IEC, ANSI, and standardization community worldwide.
The IEC honors the commitment and work of individuals who have contributed to making products and electrical systems safer, more efficient, and more reliable.
USNC members have been recognized for their leadership and technical expertise as recipients of the IEC Awards below.
For more information, please visit the IEC blog.
The Lord Kelvin Award is the highest IEC tribute, recognizing exceptional long-term achievements. Named for the first IEC president, the Rt. Hon. Lord Kelvin, the award is granted in recognition of outstanding, dedicated individual contributions in terms of leadership and technical expertise over a period of at least 5 years.
2023 Robert "Bob" Sherwin
2010 Jerome E. Dennis
2009 Thomas A. Hanson
2008 Donald N. Heirman
2008 Scott K. Jameson
2007 Don Mader
2004 William A. Radasky
1998 Ralph M. Showers
1995 Edward Kelly
1995 John Kinn
Honoring current achievements of TC/SC and Conformity Assessment officers, the Thomas A. Edison Award is granted in recognition of dedicated service and exceptional individual contributions to the effective management of IEC Technical Committees or Conformity Assessment Systems.
2013 Sonya Bird TC 61 Secretary
2012 Karen Higginbottom ISO/IEC JTC 1 Chair
2012 Kerry McManama IECEx Chair
2010 Al Brazauski TC 108 Secretary
2010 Ron Petersen TC 106 Chair
The 1906 Award is granted in recognition of exceptional recent individual achievements – a project or other specific contribution – which helped advance IEC activities in a significant way.
Colin McCullough TC 7 Christopher Wong TC 7 Allen Goldstein TC 8 Chuan Fu Wu TC 45 Alan Lucero TC 47 Martin Bass TC 57 Gerald Gray TC 57 Daniel Miller TC 59 Flore Chiang TC 61 Leonard Eisner TC 62 Jay Parkinson TC 76 David Sliney TC 76 Sumanth Varma Lokanath TC 82 Dave Kozischek TC 86 Doug Wilson TC 86 Joseph Spossey TC 88 William Susiene TC 108 Mike Leibowitz TC 113 Clarissa Belloni TC 114 Ryan Coe TC 114 Troy Bellows TC 121 Keith Frazier CISPR Michael Dunaway SyC Smart Cities Thomas Stockhammer ISO/IEC JTC 1 Arlinda Huskey IECRE
Jeff Thomas TC 5 Edward Casserly TC 10 Frank Webster TC 44 Leticia Sandra Pibida TC 45 Todd Allen Viegut TC 57 Curt Sponberg TC 62 Mark Alexander Shand TC 76 Michael Kempe TC 82 Colleen O’Brien TC 82 Michael Gurreri TC 86 Paul L. Carson TC 87 Paul Thomse TC 100 Kevin S. Duncan TC 101 Aaron Barker TC 114 Charles Andrew Gotz TC 121 Donald R. Seyerle CISPR Richard F. Puk ISO/IEC JTC 1 Elaine Buck IECRE Toby Gillespie IECRE
Joseph Antony TC 72
Aldo Badano TC 62
Zsolt Badics TC 106
George Barth TC 77
Brian Berkeley TC 110
Youjiang Chen TC 111
Craig Ambrose Colopy TC 14
Randal Cooper TC 61
Raj Desai TC 106
Michael Jason Fields TC 88
Normann Fischer TC 95
Alex Grob TC 62
Timothy Harrington TC 106
Winn Henderson TC 76
Derek Ryan Huffman TC 86
Kazuhiko Iwasaki IECEE
Liang Ji TC 82
Gary R. Johnson TC 49
Paul T. Kelly IECEx
Frederick Knight ISO/IEC JTC1
Nestor Kolcio TC 78
Donald C. Malocha TC 49
David Miller TC 82
John Penczek TC 110
Sam Rudolf TC 62
Frederic Schildmeyer TC 86
Todd Richard Sauve TC 121
Jay Tamblingson TC 44
Richard B. Williams IECRE
Martin Wosnik TC 114
Eldridge Byron TC 17
Neil Czarnecki TC 121
Peter D. Edmonds TC 87
George Gela TC 78
Mitchell Guthrie TC 18
James Halama TC 62
Gregg Hardy TC 100
Michael S. Johnson TC 57
Jonathan Keller TC 88
Chad Kiger TC 45
Patty Krantz-Zuppan TC 62
Karl Lang TC 110
Sergio Longoria TC 77
Paul Moliski IECEE
Brian Polagye TC 114
Adam Pope TC 59
Ingrid Repins TC 82
John M Roman TC 106
Nicholas Sands TC 65
Veselin Skendzic TC 38
Johannes Spinneken TC 114
Tony Surtees TC 18
Wlodzimierz (Woody) Strzelecki TC 76
Edward van Vooren TC 112
Yifei Zhang TC 90
Gabriel Alsenas IECRE
Michelle Andersen TC 61
Clark Artaud TC 45
Anthony Ciccarello SyC AAL
Sterlin Cochran TC 32
Mark Duffy TC 34
Erik Dunkerley TC 110
Eric Greene TC 114
Pamela Gwynn IECEE
Roger Hill TC 88
Shawn Hu TC 57
Larry Jones ISO/IEC JTC 1
Michael Kinard TC 86
Veronica Lancaster TC 100, TC 124
Richard Martin TC 65
Wayne Morris TC 59
Nancy Philips TC 82
Terry Saxton TC 57
Robert Sherwin IECRE
George Slama TC 51
Casey Stack TC 76
Gowri Rajappan TC 57
Hai-Yen Wang IECQ
Kent Whitfield TC 82
Henry Wong ISO/IEC JTC 1
Larry Albert TC 61
Rolf Bienert PC 118
Daniel Delaney IECEE
Wallace Ebner IECRE
Rob Friedman TC 111
Seymour Goldstein TC 86
Jeffrey Hall IECEE
Fred Heismann TC 86
David Holmberg PC 118
Becky Iverson TC 57
John William Jaeckle TC 62
Mark Klerer TC 69
C. S. Lam TC 49
Yan Lu TC 65
Philip Maness TC 100
Frank O’Brien TC 62
Patricia Owens TC 76
Gowri Rajappan TC 57
Narayanan Ramachandran TC 91
Lars Samuelsson TC 88
Charlie Smith TC 8
Jim Spitaels TC 22
Angela E. Summers TC 65
Emil David Tietje TC 114
William Travis TC 32
Mathieu Van Den Bergh TC 77
Roger Wicks TC 112
Donald Barta TC 8
Wynn Bowman TC 8
Patricia Brown TC 8
Seth Carlton TC 22
Peter Chiaro Jr TC 45
Kay Clinard TC 57
Michael Dolan TC 100
Sherman Eagles TC 62
Robert Fagaly TC 90
Kenneth Gettman TC 121
Keith Goshia TC 22
Kevin Haas TC 114
Katy Holdredge IECEx
Edmond Israelski TC 62
Daniel Judd TC 65
Claudia Kajiyama TC 49
Robert Kretschmann TC 66
Sumanth Lokanath IECRE
Richard Loud TC 5
Alan E. Lucero TC 47
Sharon Lutz TC 86
Lee Neitzel IECEE
David Preves TC 29
William A. Radasky TC 77
Kevin Robinson IECEx
Robert Smith TC 110
David Stone TC 17
David E. Swenson TC 101
Kenneth Wacks ISO/IEC JTC 1
Jonathan Woodworth TC 37
Lee Atkinson TC 100
Greg Ball TC 82
Donald Barta TC 55
Phil Beauchamp TC 114
Giorgi Bit-Babik TC 106
Brent Cain TC 13
Morgan Cox TC 45
Andrew Deionno TC 66
George Fechtmann TC 112
Mark Frimann TC 111
Mark Halpin TC 77
Laurence Max Howard TC 59
Lawrence Hudson TC 45
Christopher Johnson TC 22
Chris Jorgensen TC 91
Sarah Kurtz TC 82
Bill Larzelere TC 42
Nicholas E. F. Lycoudes TC 47
Jason Macdowell TC 8
Kenneth Martin TC 95
Sharon Miller TC 76
Michael F. Moyers TC 62
Julio Posse TC 108
Bradley J. Schmidt IECEE
Tim Schumann TC 22
Veselin Skendzic TC 38
Perry Wilson TC 77
Donald W. Ankele TC 31
Dennis B. Brophy TC 91
Patricia Brown TC 57
Brian Celella ISO/IEC JTC 1
George J. Fechtmann TC 89
Bill Holley TC 88
John W. Jaeckle TC 62
John T. Kinnear TC 101
Wayne P. Klug TC 59
Joe Lee IECQ
Kenneth M. Lee TC 59
Scott Macleod TC 111
Lee Neitzel TC 65
Gregory C. Nieminski TC 23
Jan Obrzut TC 113
Richard Odenberg TC 37
Jeff Ravencraft TC 100
Robert Sherwin TC 88
Richard Simons TC 72
Thomas Smith TC 66
William Staby IECRE
Jim Wright TC 109
Donald Barta TC 55
Ronald Battema TC 59
John Benito ISO/IEC JTC 1
Charles Biss ISO/IEC JTC 1
Dan Brake IECRE
Thomas M. Burke TC 108
Hui Min (Bill) Chai TC 33
Jonathan Colby IECRE
Lance Cooley TC 90
William R. Finley TC 2
Steven Fleshier TC 90
Elik Fooks TC 121
John Hedley-Whyte TC 62
David Holmberg PC 118
Joshua Jacobs TC 110
Ben C. Johnson TC 31
George Kelly IECRE
Robert Konnik TC 45
Brenda Langston TC 66
William Long TC 17
James Luther TC 86
Steven Margis IECEE
David Mazzarese TC 86
Sharon A. Miller TC 61
Bob Mitchell TC 47
Enio Montenegro TC 62
Gregory Nieminksi TC 69
David Osborn TC 62
John Quigley IECEE
William Radasky TC 77
Brian Rodgers TC 61
Penny Smalley TC 76
Robert Spears TC 22
Jeroen Van Dam IECRE
Ed Van Vooren TC 112
Grace Wei TC 100
ANSI's Leadership & Service Awards honor excellence among the dedicated individuals driving U.S. and global voluntary standards and conformity assessment activities.
Browse the most-recent USNC recipients below, or access the lists of all recipients on the ANSI Awards page.
The Astin-Polk International Standards Medal honors distinguished service in promoting trade and understanding among nations though personal participation in the advancement, development, or administration of international standardization, measurements, or certification.
The Howard Coonley Medal honors an executive who has rendered great service to the national economy through voluntary standardization and who has given outstanding support to standardization as a management tool.
The Finegan Standards Medal honors an individual, not necessarily an executive, who has shown extraordinary leadership in the actual development and application of voluntary standards.
The Edward Lohse Information Technology Medal honors an individual who has participated in the development of information technology standards both at the national and international levels, demonstrated leadership in the promotion of such standards within the information technology standards community, and fostered cooperation among the bodies involved in global standardization.
The Gerald H. Ritterbusch Conformity Assessment Medal honors distinguished service in promoting the understanding and application of conformity assessment methods as a means of providing confidence in standards compliance for the marketplace.
The Elihu Thomson Electrotechnology Medal honors an individual who has contributed in an exceptional, dedicated way to the field of electrotechnology standardization, conformity assessment, and related activities both at the national and international levels.
The George S. Wham Leadership Medal honors outstanding contributions by an individual who has provided direction and long-range planning to the ANSI standards federation in commitment and support of the national and/or international standards system or in a specific area of voluntary standardization.
The Maureen Breitenberg Conformity Assessment Research Medal honors distinguished research in the field of conformity assessment.
The Chairman’s Award honors outstanding accomplishments performed by any group or individual on behalf of ANSI or the ANSI Federation.
Next Generation Awards honor individuals who have been engaged in standardization or conformity assessment activities for less than eight years and have, during this time, demonstrated vision, leadership, dedication, and significant contributions to their chosen field of activity.
Meritorious Service Awards are presented to individuals or groups who have a record of significant contributions to voluntary standardization and who have demonstrated outstanding service in enabling the ANSI to attain the objectives for which it was founded.