ANSI and its Committee on Education (CoE) work with members of the U.S. academic community to promote the incorporation of standards-related information into the curricula of U.S. colleges and universities. The following colleges and universities offer courses that teach standardization and/or utilize standards as course material.
ENGN 1931L Biomedical Engineering Design and Innovation II
This course is part two of the culmination “Capstone” of the biomedical engineering educational experience. The primary objective of this course is to recall and enhance design principles introduced through the engineering core curriculum and to apply this systematic set of engineering design skills to biomedical engineering projects. Student teams formed in the previous semester will continue develop a design project based on an unmet clinical need with a clinical advisor, gaining hands-on process experience and generating innovative solutions.
CSCI 2002, Privacy and Personal Data Protection
If you tried to live for one day without generating any digital personal data, how would you spend it? In the Information Age, the use of personal data has proliferated and is pervasive. This course offers a comprehensive examination of protection of privacy and personal data, which is central to autonomy, dignity, and liberty. Topics include identity, financial, health, educational, and other data. Students will learn about: Fair Information Practices; the development of modern privacy rules in the United States and around the world; Fourth Amendment privacy and the autonomy of the individual in relation to the state; key US laws (HIPAA, FERPA, GLBA, GINA, COPPA, etc.); significant international rules (European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), etc.); important institutions (Federal Trade Commission, Data Protection Authorities, etc.); standards; Privacy by Design and Default; and emerging issues.
SYS 301 Introduction to Systems Engineering
Provides an overview of systems engineering in the development of large systems, including genesis and need, characteristics of systems and system engineers, the system life cycle (from birth to death), design for operational feasibility, project management, structure, and system control, statistical/probabilistic models in dealing with risk inherent in large, complex systems. Emphasis on the importance of system requirements regarding total system performance, interfaces, cost, schedule, optimization, and trades. We also cover various applicable standards used by Systems Engineers.
Contact: Chetan Date,
SYS415: Systems Engineering Practices: Specialty Engineering
Builds on basic concepts introduced in SYS 301 dealing with system testing and the specialty engineering disciplines of reliability, maintainability, supportability, producibility. Probability and statistics are reviewed and applied in these areas. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the elements of specialty engineering, as well as the skills to apply those elements. We also cover ISO/AS9100 compliance system to manage FAA regulatory products and associated risks.
Contact: Chetan Date,
AASI 600 Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Perspectives
An examination of aviation/aerospace's interaction with the world from the viewpoint of positive and negative effects. Short-term and long-term effects will be investigated to highlight the significant challenges associated with forming a sustainable future for the industry by examining case studies and best management and technology practices.
Contact: David G. Smith,
Master's of Science in Aviation and Aerospace Sustainability and Graduate Certficate in Aviation and Aerospace Sustainability program courses listed above include discussion of ISO international standards.
Contact: Leila Halawi,
AASI 610 Aviation and Aerospace Organization Development, Leadership & Workforce Development
Aviation and aerospace industries reach across cultural and international boundaries. This course encompasses contemporary organization development (OD) and interventions that help organizations balance economic, social, and environmental objectives and behavioral issues in the industry. The course examines the principles of organization development, change, leadership, cross-cultural communications, diversity, and social equity. (This course belongs to the old course catalogue but it will run for one more term, until May 2024)
Contact: Eva Maleviti,
AASI 605 Aviation and Aerospace Sustainable Organizations
Investigate sustainable operations of aviation and aerospace organizations. Analyze how the distinctive operations of aviation and aerospace organizations could move along with sustainability practices. Sustainable strategies must be a core element within aviation and aerospace organizations; the development of a sustainable strategy should consider the distinctive characteristics of the industry and the interactions among its stakeholders.
Contact: Eva Maleviti , malevite@erau.eduAASI 620 Best Practices for Aviation and Aerospace Sustainability
Systems in aviation and aerospace are complex and diverse across many global platforms. This course investigates the design, development, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of flight vehicles and the systems needed to keep them sustainable by applying forward-thinking engineering, environmental, and best practices to determine sustainable solutions. This course will also present the accelerating development practices that can benefit international aviation's contribution across the main pillars of sustainability. (This course belongs to the old course catalogue but it will run for one more term, until May 2024)
Contact: Eva Maleviti , malevite@erau.eduAASI 635 Sustainable Aviation Techniques and tools
Techniques and tools for sustainability in aviation and aerospace operations. Lean management, Six Sigma and ISO standards, sustainability guiding principles, risk management standards, and result-oriented quality tools are necessary for all auditing processes of a sustainable system.
Contact: Eva Maleviti , malevite@erau.eduAASI 600 Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Perspectives
An examination of aviation/aerospace's interaction with the world from the viewpoint of positive and negative effects. Short term and long-term effects will be investigated to highlight the significant challenges associated with forming a sustainable future for the industry by examining case studies and best management and technology practices.
Contact: Eva Maleviti , malevite@erau.eduASCI 693 - Current Research Problems in Aviation and Aerospace
Equips students with applied research techniques and skills. Current aviation/aerospace problems are resolved using accessible qualitative and quantitative data for rapid analysis, creating recommendations suitable for industry practitioners. Problems encountered as an aviation/aerospace professional working in the industry are solved. Synthesizes current, relevant literature, challenging students to critically analyze and interpret research findings of others as a foundation for creative problem solving. Presents forum for debate on current aviation/aerospace issues resulting in potential strategic solutions. Requires students to present applied research designs, rationale, and solutions for evaluation.
Prerequisite(s): None
MGMT 447 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
The course focuses on two important issues for businesses and other organizations – ethical behavior and social responsibility - and especially upon those situations that require moral reflection, judgment, and decision. The course examines contemporary concepts of business ethics and social responsibility and explores current problems that require moral and ethical reasoning.
Contact: Joe Rosenbeck,; Lisa Greenwood,
ESHS 740 EHS Management System Design
This course integrates the use of ISO 14001 and 45001 management system standards and examines the design and development of environmental, health and safety management systems in order to implement an organization's policies. It offers strategies for measurement of results in order to assess performance and ensure continual improvement
ESHS 755 Corporate Social Responsibility
This course introduces social responsibility concepts and approaches presented in key documents like the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standard and the AA1000 standard on stakeholder engagement, and explores strategies for assisting an organization to identify and implement socially responsible initiatives appropriate to the nature and scope of its activities, products, and services.
ESHS-760 EHS Integration- ISO-14001, ISO 14031, ISO 14004, ISO-45001
This course examines strategies for integrating EHS systems and processes. Using case studies, the course explores interrelationships between EHS and: total quality management, business value, reporting, and approaches for sustainable business development. Students will be prepared to select appropriate quality tools to improve EHS processes; identify opportunities, strategies and tools for integrating EHS into business management; and identify best practices in EHS/business integration.
ESHS 780 EHS Internal Auditing
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of EHS internal auditing, including EHS internal audit program design and management principles, management system performance evaluation and corrective action techniques, and system improvements.
EEET-451: 3D Audio: Theory and Practice
3D audio refers to a method to generate and deliver an immersive audio field that is integrated with 3D video. The course covers theoretical and practical aspects of 3D audio: capturing auditory information of a venue using multi-microphone techniques (discrete multichannel methods, microphone arrays, and binaural capture), rendering the captured information using spatial signal processing (Inverse filtering, VBAP and Crosstalk Cancellation), transmitting and delivering as multichannel audio format, and recreating the original auditory information (multichannel loudspeaker reproduction and applying inverse filter for room compensation). In addition, the course will teach the fundamentals of the architectural acoustics (acoustics of a space) and the psycho-acoustics (recognized acoustics by listeners). The course includes practical exercises through which students can evaluate the spatial audio techniques discussed in the course and reproduce immersive multichannel sound and music.
CVET 241 Elementary Soil Mechanics Lab
In this course, standard laboratory tests are performed for evaluating the properties of soils including gradation, plasticity, compaction, permeability, compressibility, and shear strength, using ASTM standards.
Student teams work on design projects that demonstrate an ability to design (or redesign) a mechanical system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. The projects must demonstrate an understanding of the project’s potential impact in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. The projects must involve significant use of engineering tools and standards, the results of which are used to inform design decisions. Models are used to predict the behavior and optimize the design.
The goal of any manufacturing enterprise should be to obtain safe, dependable, satisfactory, and economical production within the operating constraints of the process. Students will gain foundational knowledge of industrial control systems focused on manufacturing automation. The course will concentrate on the selection and application of commercial sensors, actuators, and controllers to meet the needs of an individual process, or an enterprise-wide operation. Students will gain an understanding of automation system design to support data collection, and storage to support the objectives of an Industry 4.0 connected enterprise.
Graduate level students will individually complete an additional project whereby they create a human machine interface (HMI) for the MIE Smart Manufacturing Pilot process. Students will design their HMI to be compliant with ANSI/ISA-101.01-2015, Human Machine Interfaces for Process Automation Systems.