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ANSI Consumer interest forum

  1. Outreach
  2. Consumers
  3. Consumer Interest Forum


As a membership forum of ANSI, the functions of the Consumer Interest Forum (CIF) include
(but are not limited to):

  • Serving as a forum for discussion and exchange of information on key consumer interest issues;
  • Providing a mechanism for “early warning” of relevant trends;
  • Addressing issues of interest primarily to consumers and consumer organizations and galvanizing implementation at the constituent level;
  • Identifying broader-based issues and, where appropriate, recommending that they be addressed by the ANSI Executive Committee; and
  • Providing strong leadership in the Consumer Policy Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO COPOLCO); the ANSI CIF is the U.S. link to ISO COPOLCO.

Membership & Governance

Participation in the CIF is open to consumers and consumer representatives who are willing to actively participate in its work. CIF members should be knowledgeable representatives from consumer organizations, producers, retailers, distributors, industry councils and government.

The CIF strives to maintain a reasonable balance among such groups. No more than one Consumer Interest Forum member may be employed by the same company, organization, department or agency. The CIF is open to all consumer representatives who are willing to actively participate in the work of the CIF and express an interest in membership.

(member log-in required)

CIF Chair


Consumer Representative

CIF Vice-Chair


Consumer Representative

Latest Headlines

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Upcoming Events

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Staff Contacts

Michaela Miller

CIF Secretary
ANSI Senior Program Manager, Standards Facilitation



[email protected]

Lisa Rajchel

ANSI Senior Director, Standards Facilitation

212.642 4932


[email protected]