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ANSI Intellectual Property Rights
policy aDVISORY group


The Intellectual Property Rights Policy Advisory Group (IPRPAG) provides views and proposes policies regarding the incorporation of essential patents or other proprietary intellectual property (such as trademarks and copyright) in national, regional, or international standards. The IPRPAG also provides views and proposes policies regarding exploitation rights to the copyright in standards and the recognition of copyright protection for standards by courts, legislation, regulatory bodies, industry and others. The IPRPAG responds to requests for input from time to time from the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Committees of ANSI, other PAGS, and Member Forums. The IPRPAG reports to the Executive Committee (ExCo) of the Board of Directors and follows the Operating Procedures of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy Advisory Group.

The IPRPAG typically meets twice per year, unless an issue or topic requires additional face-to-face dialogue. To supplement the meetings, group members receive regular updates and information.

Focus Areas

The IPRPAG includes patent and copyright law experts who are familiar with the types of IP issues that arise in standards development. The Executive Standards Council (ExSC) retains authority of all aspects of the ANSI Essential Requirements, including ANSI’s own Patent Policy, but the ExSC often solicits input from the IPRPAG when interpreting or considering revisions to the ANSI Patent Policy, as well as accreditation and reaccreditation decisions.

Copyright Task Force

The ANSI Copyright Task Force is a standing committee of the IPRPAG that provides views and proposes policies regarding exploitation rights to the copyright in standards and the recognition of copyright protection for standards by courts, legislatures, regulatory bodies industry and others. The Copyright Task Force is made up of IPRPAG members.

IPRPAG Members & Officers

Membership in the IPRPAG, is open to all ANSI members. Each such member is entitled to a single vote on the PAG. IPRPAG members are not acting in a fiduciary capacity but they must act in accordance with ANSI's Code of Conduct at all times.


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Staff Contacts

Patricia A. Griffin

Senior Vice President and General Counsel


[email protected]

Eleni Konstantopoulos

Associate Director of Legal Affairs


[email protected]