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iso or iec standards 
excerpt request

If you’d like to use an excerpt from an ISO or IEC standard in any of your original work (a standard, a research paper, a book etc), you need to request ANSI’s approval, as ANSI is the ISO Member Representative and IEC Member Representative in the U.S.

Please follow this process to submit a request: 

STEP 1: Please download the questionnaire, fill it out and return to [email protected].

STEP 2: Once the completed questionnaire is received, it will be reviewed.  We might have to contact you for further information while in review and before approval.

STEP 3: Once the review is complete and the requirements for the excerpt usage are satisfied, a letter agreement will be developed specifying the requestor information, the excerpt(s), usage details and attribution statement.  Depending on the volume of the excerpts, there could be a royalty due to ISO or IEC.  A letter agreement is required for all approved excerpt requests.

STEP 4: The signed agreement is then reviewed and countersigned by the Customer Service Director.  A copy is sent to the requestor for their records. 


Please note that if a request for excerpts from a standard developed by any organization other than ISO or IEC need to be submitted to the appropriate copyright holder of that standard.

Staff Contact

Tim Dovan, Customer Service Director

[email protected]