When you access or navigate to a page on ansi.org in a new browser session, you will see the cookie consent window pop up. Here, you can let us know if you agree to ANSI using the cookies from your session to analyze your digital experience
If you decide to “allow all cookies”: click on the Allow all cookies button, and you are done.
If you decide to “customize”: click on the Customize button, and you will be brought to the Details tab. There, various types of cookies are grouped into categories; you’ll be able to select whether you consent to ANSI’s use of the cookies from your session.
To view cookies used for analytics on ansi.org or ANSI newsletters, choose the Details tab, and scroll to the Statistics category. Expand Statistics and select www.ansi.org to view specific cookies, including those from Sitecore (ansi.org’s content management system) and Coveo (ansi.org’s search engine).
If you do not want ANSI to use cookies from your browser session for analytics, you can opt out by clicking on the button for the Statistics category to turn the setting “off.” The opt-out setting will apply to the entire category of Statistics.
Please note that each category of cookies (e.g. Marketing, Unclassified) lists all third party providers that are collecting cookies. Only the ones listed under www.ansi.org will be used by ANSI if you indicate your consent.
After the initial setup is done and the pop-up window is dismissed – it is minimized to look like this icon:
Once you click on the icon – you can view your current settings and, if need be, open up the full window to change your settings: