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The hands of a doctor or other medical professional in a white coat, using a computer tablet to access information in a medical facility.

U.S. TAG for ISO/TC 215, Health
Informatics, & SC 1, Genomics Informatics

Objectives & Scope

The primary goal of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 215 and Subcommittee (SC) 1 is to enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the American quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and ensuring their integrity. The U.S. TAG represents national interests on health information technology (HIT) and health informatics standards at ISO.

ANSI administers the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 215 and its Subcommittee (SC) 1 to coordinate national standards activities for existing and emerging health sectors. The U.S. TAG is guided by the ANSI cardinal principles of consensus, due process, and openness.

The scope of ISO/TC 215, and consequently of the U.S. TAG, is standardization in the field of health informatics, to facilitate capture, interchange, and use of health-related data, information, and knowledge to support and enable all aspects of the health system.

For more information, read these ISO articles: Welcome to the world of telemedicine: Understanding the basics, The Anatomy of Healthcare, and Revised IDMP Standards to Improve Description of Medicinal Products Worldwide.


The U.S. TAG mirrors the structure of ISO/TC 215 in that the U.S. TAG develops consensus positions on all technical matters of each of the international Subcommittees (SCs), Working Groups (WGs), Joint Working Groups (JWGs), and numerous Task Forces (TFs).

US TAG 215 Roster 2025


There are many benefits to U.S. TAG membership, which is open to all interested U.S. stakeholders. Organizations interested in becoming a U.S. TAG member to ISO/TC 215 should complete the U.S. TAG membership application

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Staff Contacts

Michael Glickman

U.S. TAG Chair to ISO TC 215 and SC 1
Computer Network Architects

Todd Cooper

ISO TC 215 Chairman

Rachel Hawthorne

ISO TC 215 Committee Manager

Kristen Califra

U.S. TAG Administrator to ISO TC 215