The ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) has issued proposed draft guidance documents for public comment. The three documents, plus a separate table that will be incorporated into one of the documents, are intended to provide guidance with respect to the American National Standards (ANS) process and the 2022 ANSI Essential Requirements, which will be published on January 1, 2022. A version of the 2022 ANSI Essential Requirements with revisions shown is available here.
Public comments on the following documents (accessible here) may be submitted to [email protected] by February 7, 2022:
Public comments received in connection with these draft proposed documents will be made available to the public, with attribution, in the ANSI Online Public Library within a reasonable time of the close of the public comment deadline. The ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) will consider the comments received and provide a written response to commenters.
When submitting public comments, please organize your comments by document number (ExSC 115, ExSC 116, ExSC 117 and ExSC 117A) and include the following: 1) Line number(s) associated with each comment; 2) a brief explanation of your comment; and 3) suggested resolution of each comment.
Questions may be directed to [email protected].