ANSI’s governance structure and policies are clearly defined in the ANSI Constitution and By-Laws. Summarily, the Institute is governed by a Board of Directors, with a structure of committees focused on specific governance areas, and advisory groups and forums providing input to those decision-making bodies. All of these groups are comprised of volunteer representatives of ANSI member companies and organizations, driving ANSI’s strategic priorities and activities in response to broad member input. See information on each group below.
A comprehensive Code of Conduct provides broad guidance on how ANSI volunteers – including all members of the Board, Committees, Forums, and Policy Advisory Groups – are expected to behave at any ANSI meeting or gathering.
ANSI’s full set of organizational policies includes the Constitution and By-Laws, Code of Conduct, and other guidance documents focused on specific topics and activities.
Each year, ANSI calls for nominations from its membership for upcoming positions on ANSI's Board of Directors, Policy Advisory Groups, and Committee on Education.
ANSI Policy Advisory Groups identify trends and issues within the expertise of the PAG, and, where appropriate, provide recommendations to the Executive Committee on relevant actions. PAGs are advisory in nature and their members are not fiduciaries, but they are important to ANSI in developing policy positions in three major focus areas, as follows:
The Committees of ANSI include the Program Oversight Committees and International Relations Committees. These groups make decisions on behalf of ANSI in the specific subject areas as outlined in their operating procedures. Members are of these groups are fiduciaries of ANSI and subject to Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transaction requirements, as well as the ANSI Code of Conduct.
These groups are permanent committees specializing in the consideration of particular subject areas as follows:
The Appeals Board considers and decides all final appeals by persons affected by the actions or inactions of a committee of ANSI who have exhausted all other appeals under ANSI’s procedures.