Reminder: Do you know an outstanding emerging professional in the field of electrotechnical standardization and/or conformity assessment? Nominate a professional (or yourself!) for an opportunity to attend the 2023 IEC Young Professionals Workshop in Cairo, Egypt. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the 87th International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) General Meeting from October 22-26, 2023.
The U.S. National Committee (USNC) to the IEC will sponsor up to three young professionals who work for industry, the government, academia, consumer organizations, or any entity within the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment community that uses, benefits from, or contributes to the IEC’s work in electrotechnical standardization and/or conformity assessment. Applications will be accepted until June 23, 2023.
Inside Access to Standardization Strategies and Networking: IEC Young Professionals Workshop
As seen during previous IEC General Meetings, there is a lot of enthusiasm around the world for IEC’s engaging and memorable Young Professionals Workshop. The young professionals selected to represent the United States will attend the Young Professionals Workshop to be held as an in-person event in tandem with the 2023 IEC General Meeting. There, they will attend a dedicated workshop alongside recipients from other nations, where they will learn more about the IEC, standardization strategies, and conformity assessment.
Emerging professionals will also have the opportunity to attend technical meetings where standards are developed; observe a meeting of the IEC Standardization Management Board and the Conformity Assessment Board; benefit from the guidance of a mentor; visit local industry; and more. Recipients will receive financial support for their travel and up to six nights of accommodation.
All selected Young Professionals will have the opportunity to observe up to five technical meetings of their choice in the two years following the workshop.
Apply Today! Nomination and Application Process
The USNC is seeking outstanding nominees who are involved with standardization or conformity assessment from a technical or managerial perspective within their organization, and who have demonstrsated great ongoing promise. A unique opportunity to help shape standardization and conformity assessment work, the program is targeted towards individuals who are in the early years of their professional career, post-university.
Industry, the government, academia, consumer organizations, or any entity within the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment community that uses, benefits from, or contributes to the IEC’s work in electrotechnical standardization and/or conformity assessment may nominate candidates.
The criteria and nomination process for this competition are detailed in an online flyer and nomination form. Nominations should be submitted to Mack Connors ([email protected]) no later than Friday, June 23, 2023. Winners will be notified by July 2023.
Access More Resources for Young Professionals!
Engaging and supporting young and emerging professionals (YEPs) in electrotechnology standardization is a key priority for the USNC/IEC. The USNC offers a number of programs to help build the next generation of electrotechnology standardization leaders. Check out the USNC YEP webpage for more information about the YEP Program, the YEP & Protégé Engagement Program, the mentoring program, and more.