The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is now accepting proposal submissions for up to $3M in funding under the Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program to support the development of standards for public transportation.
Applicants must submit proposals to develop voluntary standards and standards-related best practices, guidance, tools in safety, and other areas that improve public transportation by directly engaging and working with transit stakeholders. Eligible applicants include: providers of public transportation; private for-profit and not-for profit organizations or consultants; state, city, or local government entities; other organizations, including research consortia, not-for-profit industry organizations, and institutions of higher education; and standards developing organizations (SDOs).
The applicant selected to receive the funds will perform an industry standards assessment, and develop a priority list of standards that require immediate action. With guidance from the FTA, the recipient will develop or modify standards, best practices, guidance, and tools to help public transit adopt those standards, working with transit industry stakeholders, industry working groups, and SDOs.
Proposals can be submitted electronically through the grants.gov “apply” function by January 23, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Instructions for applying can be found on the FTA’s website. Learn more in the Federal Register notice.