As the U.S. member body to the International Organization for Standardization, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) seeks feedback on a new discovery report, “Future Direction of ISO Management Systems Standards,” from relevant stakeholders by October 7, 2022.
In 2006, ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) set up the Joint Coordination Task Group (JTCG) on Management Systems Standards (MSS), which serves to encourage consistency within ISO’s portfolio of management systems standards. Since the task group’s implementation, the number of MSS has increased dramatically from a few standards to almost 100 “Type A” (Requirements) and “Type B” (Guidance) standards.
To advance its work efforts, the JTCG is revisiting the overall strategy for ISO’s MSS, and established its Task Force (TF) 15, Future direction of ISO Management System Standards. The main objective of TF 15 is to develop a JTCG position paper to be submitted to ISO/TMB with proposals for the future direction of ISO’s MSS with respect to their scope, classification, architecture, and structure.
TF 15’s work has been divided into two main phases: a “Discovery” phase (now complete) to be followed —after appropriate feedback from JTCG Member Committees and national standards bodies—by the preparation of draft recommendations. ISO is seeking stakeholders to comment on its early “Discovery Report,” which has been circulated to ISO members and other stakeholders in order to assist the task force with input to consider as it advances this work.
Read the discovery report and submit comments to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director of international policy and strategy, [email protected], by close of business on October 7, 2022.
What are the ISO Management Systems Standards?
AS ISO asserts, JTCG’s main purpose is to encourage consistency within ISO’s portfolio of management systems standards, which it achieves primarily through its stewardship of Annex SL of the ISO/IEC Directives.
ISO MSS help organizations improve their performance by specifying repeatable steps that organizations consciously implement to achieve their goals and objectives, and to create an organizational culture that reflexively engages in a continuous cycle of self-evaluation, correction and improvement of operations and processes through heightened employee awareness and management leadership and commitment. Read more via ISO.