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Weekly COVID-19 Update: Stopping the Spread of Misinformation and Experts Talk Breakthrough Health Care Innovations


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IEEE Foundation's COVID-19 Response Fund Helps to Stop Spread of Misinformation, Provides a Community with Fresh Produce

IEEE has announced updates about its IEEE Foundation's COVID-19 Response Fund, which was launched in April to support IEEE programs and initiatives that are supporting members during the pandemic.

In collaboration with local community groups and eight non-profits, the IEEE Columbus Ohio Section is developing systems for a self-sustaining urban farm in Columbus’s Milo Grogan neighborhood. As nearly 45 percent of the neighborhood’s residents live below the poverty line, it is difficult for some residentsmany who have been disproportionally affected by the virusto afford healthy foods, including fresh produce. According to IEEE, the Milo Grogan 365 Fresh Produce Farm will provide local restaurants and residents, who will also manage the farm, with organic produce year-round. The farm is projected to start food production next year, and is intended to create jobs and revenue for the neighborhood.

In other efforts, a group from the IEEE Women in Engineering Indonesia Section, called Women against Disruptive Information on COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, has developed a series of virtual workshops on information literacy to help stop the spread of misinformation about COVID-19. “The spread of misinformation has increased significantly . . . COVID-19 hoaxes can cause panic and irrational behavior.”

The group, which kicked off with two educational workshops in August, is working on revisions on training modules, materials, and the registration process for future workshops. It also is developing pre-assessment and post-assessment tests to measure participants’ level of understanding.

Access more information about the IEEE Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund.

Johnson & Johnson, Mayo Clinic, and Merck Join Fortune Global Forum Discussions on Breakthrough Health Care Innovations

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt health care, leaders in biopharma and health care delivery are embracing technology to save lives and accelerate medical trials and research. Some of these healthcare leaders joined the recent Fortune Global Forum during a virtual discussion on “Breakthrough Innovations in Health Care.” Speakers included Dr. Gianrico Farrugia, president and CEO, Mayo Clinic; Dr. Julie Gerberding, executive vice president and chief patient officer, Merck and former director, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Stephan Sturm, chairman of the management board at Fresenius, and Jennifer Taubert, EVP, worldwide chairman, pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson.

Dr. Gerberding of Merck told the Forum: “There is a lot of opportunity for innovation and Artificial Intelligence in the space of predicting when spillovers and emergencies could occur and that involves animal sciences, echo sciences, as well as climate and human sciences. We need to think differently about ‘how do we recognize the hot spots for these problems to emerge’ so that we can more quickly identify them and hopefully quench them or even preemptively prevent them in the first place.”

Access more information on the forum via Merck.

IBM, Medical Experts to Join Virtual Event on the Rise of the Chief Health Officer, to Highlight Returning Safely to Work and Travel

In partnership with IBM Watson Health, another Fortune Brainstorm Health event, as part of an ongoing series focusing on the rise and role of the chief health officer, will feature leading health experts to explore how businesses can operate safely during and after a pandemic. The November 12, 2020, virtual session will cover topics such as health screenings, social distancing, sanitation, and change in shift times to make the workplace safe, as well as how can employers distinguish necessary travel and create a resilient travel policy.

Discussion leaders will include Dr. Richard Jenkins, vice president, Emirates Group Medical Services, Dr. Richard Kim, chief medical officer, American Express, Dr. Tina Moen, senior deputy chief health officer & chief pharmacy officer, IBM Watson Health, and Dr. Jay Wohlgemuth, senior vice president, R&D, medical and chief medical officer, Quest Diagnostics. The moderator will be Arianna Huffington, Founder and CEO, Thrive Global.

Access the registration page for more information.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations



Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist

