The ANSI Federation and standardization community are stepping up with guidance, resources, and initiatives to support public health, safety, and infrastructure during the COVID-19 outbreak. ANSI is monitoring, sharing, and promoting appropriate news to highlight these efforts. Suggestions for news items may be submitted to [email protected]. All submissions are published at ANSI's discretion.
IAPMO to Host Webinar Series to Assist in Safer Reopening of Buildings, Offers Access to Codes and Standards
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is launching a new webinar series, "After COVID-19," to provide useful, practical information to assist in the safer reopening of buildings as COVID-19 "stay-at-home" restrictions are eased.
The sessions are designed to provide jurisdictions, health departments, building owners and managers, and contractors with detailed information and guidance on reopening various building types. The webinar series include:
As IAPMO explains, different building types have plumbing systems and concerns that are unique to their use and require special consideration to help prevent the negative results that could come from exposure to pathogens that might have flourished during the shutdown. In the webinar series, leaders from across the plumbing industry will discuss potential hazards and actions that can be taken to mitigate them.
For more information about the "After COVID-19" webinar series and to register, visit https://www.iapmo.org/webinars/covid-webinars. Additionally, IAPMO has a COVID-19 technical resource page, and to assist the industry, it is providing free access to some of codes and standards that can be used to combat the spread of diseases, including COVID-19. Access the IAPMO codes and standards.
National Ground Water Association Publishes Article on Low Risk of COVID-19 Contaminating Private Water Wells
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) has published a new article, "Groundwater, Wells, and Coronavirus," by NGWA director of science and technology William M. Alley, Ph.D., and NGWA regulatory affairs manager Charles A. Job, which reports private water wells are at low risk of transmitting COVID-19.
It notes that while the risk to private water well systems is low, various viruses, including COVID-19, are still a potential threat.
"There's more to be learned about the behavior of the COVID-19 virus in water and wastewater," said Dr. Alley. "Based on knowledge to date, the risk to private wells is extremely low."
The most effective action to protect against viruses, including COVID-19, from contaminating a water supply is regular maintenance of well water systems and wastewater septic systems. The article also highlights the importance of proper septic system maintenance as well as "setback."
For more information on properly maintaining your water well system and to find a local water well contractor, well owners are encouraged to visit WellOwner.org, which is a joint venture of NGWA and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership as part of the U.S. EPA-funded program, "Improving Water Quality through Training and Technical Assistance to Private Well Owners."
National Contract Management Association Offers Contracting Guidance
The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) has collected COVID-19 contracting guidance in one place for industry. The NCMA resource page includes NCMA and federal government resources, law firm guidance, articles, and webinars on supply chain, compliance and paycheck protection, and video.
Access more information on NCMA's resources webpage.