Do you know the scope of a recently proposed new ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee? What about the name of EPA’s recommendations for packaging marks? Put your knowledge on the latest news in standards, conformity assessment, and ANSI initiatives to the test with this month’s ANSI crossword.
Newly relocated to the Subscriptions & Publications page on ANSI’s website, the ANSI crossword features clues on recent news from ANSI and the greater standardization community. If you get stuck, subscribe to ANSI’s What’s New newsletter to help you solve it perfectly next month.
Access this month’s ANSI crossword puzzle.
Did you miss the previous puzzle? Access it here.
Calling All Puzzle Pros!
If you solved the crossword, we want to give you props! Please take a screenshot and e-mail it to [email protected]. We’ll give you a shoutout on our website and on ANSI’s social media channels.