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Are You Up-to-Date in Standardization News? Test Your Knowledge with the ANSI Crossword Puzzle!


Do you know what exo technology is? What about the recent Supreme Court ruling that may impact the development and application of standards in regulation? Put your knowledge to the test on the latest news in standards, conformity assessment, and ANSI initiatives with this month’s ANSI crossword.

Part of ANSI’s Impact of Standards resource, the crossword gives clues about this month’s initiatives from ANSI and other public- and private-sector organizations in the standards community.

The Impact of Standards webpage offers ANSI stakeholders, constituents, and others who wish to learn more about standardization a compilation of resources that explain the power of standards in our everyday lives—all in a fun and easy-to-understand format. In addition to the crossword, access infographics, fun facts, and articles connecting standards to the latest headlines.

Access this month’s ANSI crossword puzzle.

Did you miss last month’s puzzle? Access it here.



Calling All Puzzle Pros!

If you solved the crossword, we want to give you props! Please take a screenshot and e-mail it to [email protected]. We’ll give you a shoutout on the Impact of Standards webpage and on ANSI’s social media channels.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]