The Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) released the Law of Product Quality (Draft for Public Comments) on October 18, 2023. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages members and other U.S. stakeholders to review the announcement and, if appropriate, submit comments following the instructions on the SAMR website (in Chinese) before the deadline of Saturday, November 18, 2023 (Beijing local time/UTC+8).
This law was originally published on February 22, 1993, with minor revisions in 2000, 2009, and 2018. Compared to the current version, the draft for comment includes some major changes, reflecting the evolving market demands to regulate new business models and accommodate consumer requirements, such as e-commerce, online third-party platforms, services providers, product recall and supply chain tracking system, etc.
The draft law has six chapters: 1) general provisions, 2) product quality obligations for operators (producers, sellers, and other operators), 3) project quality supervision, 4) quality promotion and quality infrastructure, 5) legal liabilities, and 6) supplementary provisions. It also addresses the central government’s encouragement for active participation in international quality activities, co-development, sharing, and interconnection of quality infrastructure such as metrology, standards, certification and accreditation, and inspection and testing, as well as other international exchanges and cooperation.
From ANSI’s initial review, some of the highlights in this draft include:
Read the full text of the draft law and comment submission instructions in Chinese.
Read the English translation of the full text by ANSI for members’ reference only (member login required).