Copyright concerns are frequently front of mind for the standardization community, and this year’s ANSI Legal Issues Forum (LIF) will closely examine two critical, evolving issues: the copyright implications of incorporating standards by reference into legislation (IBR), and the implications of using AI in standards (and standards in AI).
Join legal and standardization experts for thought-provoking discussions at this hybrid World Standards Week event on October 12 . Cary Coglianese, professor of law and political science, and director of the Penn Program on Regulation at the University of Pennsylvania will keynote the event. Access the agenda for the full line-up of expert speakers. [Register here]
What SDOs Need to Consider as the Incorporated by Reference (IBR) Legal Landscape Changes
In a recent decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit determined that, in the particular factual circumstance presented in the case, the non-commercial dissemination of the standards-at-issue that were incorporated by reference into federal regulations by a non-profit group constituted “fair use” under the copyright laws. What does the decision mean for the U.S. standards system and government reliance on standards developed by U.S. standards developing organizations? This panel will examine this legal challenge, as well as pending court cases that have called into question the copyrightability of IBR’d standards.
What are the Copyright Implications of Using AI to Develop Standards?
What unique legal issues are raised by the intersection of copyright and AI—and who, if anyone, owns the copyright of AI-generated content? This panel will explore the potential perils of feeding standards content into AI tools and engines, as well as the opportunities of using generative AI to create content for standards. The session will also explore how standards developing organizations are currently using AI-generated content and how they can protect copyright in AI-generated content used in standards development.
ANSI’s Legal Issues Forum is open to all and free of charge, but advance registration is required. Join in person at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC, or virtually via Zoom. Details are available www.ansi.org/wsweek.
More about World Standards Week 2023
World Standards Week (WSW) 2023 will be held on October 10-12 in Washington, DC, with hybrid options available for all daytime events. A premier annual gathering, WSW brings together ANSI members and diverse private- and public-sector stakeholders from across the standardization communities for topical discussions and special events in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration.
Share your thoughts, pictures, and join the social media conversation with the hashtag: #WorldStandardsWeek.
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