The agenda is available and registration is open: Join the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) virtual Company Member Forum (CMF) on September 14 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET.
Register today and access the CMF agenda.
Following welcoming remarks and an update from the ANSI International Policy Advisory Group (IPAG), the meeting will feature a speaker-led session on:
Panel sessions will cover:
Using the 3 “C” approach of collaborating, coordinating, and connecting within standardization is essential to assure meaningful outcomes for all stakeholders. This panel session will explore how different models, such as standards centers of excellence, standards forums, and collaboratives could serve as catalysts to promote a healthy standards ecosystem.
About the CMF
The CMF serves as a venue for ANSI members representing the full spectrum of U.S. industry to examine issues related to national and global standards, as well as conformity assessment developments. The forum allows industry members an opportunity to collectively shape and influence U.S. policy in the domestic and international arena, while bolstering cross-networking and alliances.