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Company Member Forum (CMF) June Virtual Meeting: Registration and Agenda Now Available


Registration is now open for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Company Member Forum (CMF) meeting, to be held virtually on Tuesday, June 14, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern. All ANSI Company Members are invited to register and attend.

The CMF provides a venue for ANSI members representing the broad spectrum of U.S. industry to come together to discuss priority standards and conformity assessment issues and collectively shape and influence U.S. policy in the domestic and international arena. The June meeting will provide a platform for discussions on emerging technologies and different approaches to standardization. Agenda topics include:

  • Update on Trade and Standards: The latest developments from the EU-U.S. Technology Trade Council (TTC)
  • Standards Education: An update on the work of ANSI’s Committee on Education, and discussion of potential ideas for collaboration
  • Standardization for Emerging Technologies: A panel to explore the approach for standardizing emerging technologies via case studies in two distinct technology areas: additive manufacturing and autonomous vehicles
  • Different Approaches to Standardization: A discussion of consensus-based documents developed through a wide variety of approaches and processes in addition to the American National Standards (ANS) process. These approaches continue to evolve to meet industry, consumer, technology, and stakeholder needs. What is the standardization landscape today, and accompanying opportunities and challenges?

ANSI encourages all Company Members to register for this engaging event. Visit the CMF Spring 2022 Virtual Meeting webpage to learn more, access the agenda, and register.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]