ANSI’s Mary Saunders, vice president of government relations and public policy, will be a featured speaker at the upcoming virtual Standards and Innovation Forum hosted by SES – The Society for Standards Professionals on February 2-3.
In the February 3 session, Standardization Strategies around the World, Ms. Saunders will participate in a discussion on the United States Standards Strategy (USSS) and the standardization strategies of China, Canada, and the EU. She will highlight key updates made during the latest revision of the USSS, its imperatives for action, and also discuss the importance of a rules-based system. Zijun Tong of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) will be the panel moderator.
Currently in its fourth revision, the USSS has helped inform the standardization strategies of other nations and regions. China’s State Council recently released its national strategy in October 2021 (read more in the recent ANSI in China Newsletter). Canada is currently completing the public consultation stage of its strategy. And the European Commission expects to release its strategy for the EU in early February.
The SES Standards and Innovation Forum, to be held on February 2-3, will include speakers from government, Fortune 500 companies, standards developing organizations, conformity assessment organizations, consortia, consumer groups, and academia from. The forum will include the following sessions:
Register and access the full schedule on the SES website: https://www.ses-standards.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1582797
Overview of the USSS
The United States Standards Strategy (USSS)serves as a statement of purpose and ideals resulting from a reexamination of the principles and strategy that guide how the United States develops standards and participates in the international standards-setting process. It provides a vision for the future of the U.S. standards system to support U.S. competitiveness, innovation, health and safety, and global trade.
The updated edition of the USSS, published in January 2021, and the consolidated response to comments received during the document’s public comment period were unanimously approved by the ANSI Board of Directors at its year-end meeting on December 9, 2020.