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delta variant

ANSI COVID-19 Member Update: Video on Variants Mu and Delta, and Resources for People with Disabilities


The ANSI Federation and standardization community are stepping up with guidance, resources, and initiatives to support public health and safety and the nation's recovery. Suggestions for news items may be submitted to All submissions are published at ANSI's discretion.

Mayo Clinic Offers Physician Insights on COVID-19 Variants Mu, Delta, and More

The Mayo News Network recently published an informational video featuring Dr. John O'Horo, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases physician on COVID-19 variants mu and delta. Mutations of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have been emerging since the pandemic began. Dr. O'Horo explains how there are three classifications given to SARS-CoV-2 variants based on how easily they spread, how severe their symptoms are, and how they are treated.

"The delta variant is really the predominant strain everywhere at this point. And while it is important that scientists and public health officials keep an eye on this, we're still in a space right now where the mu variant is something to keep an eye on for the future rather than a concern."

Access more information via the Mayo Clinic video.

CDC Launches COVID-19 Resources for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created a COVID-19 toolkit with communication resources explaining in plain language how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their caregivers can protect themselves from the virus. The toolkit contains social stories, videos, posters, and interactive activities. Kits were developed based on input from multiple discussions with adults with IDD and their caregivers.

“People with intellectual and developmental disabilities can experience communication barriers that make it harder for them to understand and act on crucial health guidance,” said Dr. Karen Remley, director of the CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. “The aim of these materials is to help people with IDD, their parents and other caregivers share critical information with their loved ones about COVID-19 and what to expect when getting a COVID-19 test or vaccine and explain how to stay safe if they are not vaccinated.”

The CDC also announced that it has available resources for individuals with deafness or hearing loss, including videos and web resources in American Sign Language (ASL).

Access CDC's articletoolkit, and additional resources.

See more ANSI member efforts in the ANSI COVID-19 Resource Webpage Highlighting Standardization Community Response.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations



Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist

