The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) reminds interested stakeholders that nominations for its 2020-2021 Leadership and Service Awards are due by February 15, 2021. Awardees will be recognized at an awards ceremony to be held on October 27, 2021, at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington, D.C. All previously submitted nominations received for 2020 are under consideration.
In light of the unique circumstances posed by COVID-19, the 2020 awards ceremony was moved 2021, and the nominations period was extended to February 2021 in order to recognize additional deserving candidates across the two years. As such, the ANSI Awards Committee may choose to recognize more than one candidate for the medals and awards that are typically awarded to only one recipient in a given year.
The following is the full list of the ANSI Leadership and Service Awards for which nominations are available; criteria and submission information for relevant nominations are available at ansi.org/awards:
Eligibility and Selection
Representatives of industry, government, academia, consumer organizations, and the U.S. voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment community, with the exception of current officers of ANSI’s Board of Directors, are considered eligible for an award.
The Awards Committee, consisting of the chair, immediate past chair, and the current vice chairs of the ANSI Board of Directors, consider every nomination received. Selections are made based on the comparison of data submitted against the description of each award.
The Awards Committee reserves the right to present a nominee with an award other than the one for which he or she was nominated. At the discretion of the Awards Committee, multiple recipients are allowed in certain award categories. If the Awards Committee determines that no candidates meet the eligibility requirements, an award is not given. Current ANSI officers are not eligible for an award.
As part of the nomination, letters of support from members of the standardization community attesting to the nominee’s outstanding achievements and appropriateness for receipt of the award are strongly encouraged. Nominations can be submitted via this link. An announcement of recipients is expected by summer 2021.
“ANSI's annual awards program is a tribute to the dedicated professionals who make up the diverse U.S. standardization community,” said S. Joe Bhatia, ANSI president and CEO. “We look forward to honoring outstanding contributions that help to strengthen the economy and the workforce, protect the environment, and improve the well-being of people around the world.”
For more information, visit ansi.org/awards.