Dear colleagues,
I want to take this opportunity to personally recognize and applaud you – ANSI’s members – for the powerful initiatives you are leading to combat COVID-19 and contribute to solutions for a better tomorrow. The important work that you are doing is making the world better, safer, and stronger.
From vaccine development efforts to resources supporting water and safer building re-openings, to a new task force to increase understanding of the ability of SARS-CoV-2 (the strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19) to persist in the environment – these are just a few of the examples of how the ANSI Federation is advancing public health, safety, infrastructure, and innovation. More than 80 such examples are featured on ANSI’s COVID-19 Resources Webpage. I encourage you to tap into the vast knowledge and expertise showcased on the site to learn how the U.S. standardization community is at the forefront of solutions. And if you have resources to add, send ANSI a note to [email protected].
At every opportunity, ANSI is committed to raising awareness of the collective power of the U.S. standardization community. Recently, I highlighted the ANSI Federation’s COVID response and the role of standardization as a foundation of U.S. prosperity at a May 13 roundtable session hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). A follow-up roundtable on May 28 explored the growing role of China in international standards setting, and possible implications for U.S. industry.
Indeed, standards underpin technological leadership and economic prosperity. The new rule issued by the U.S. Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security enabling U.S. companies to more fully engage in international 5G and telecommunications standards-setting efforts where Huawei representatives are also present is an important step in the right direction for U.S. competitiveness. When U.S. companies and the standards developing organizations in which they participate can engage in international standards-setting activities, the U.S. can continue to influence, define, and create the next wave of technologies that will impact our lives for years to come.
To promote continued U.S. leadership in the 5G space, ANSI is partnering with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to seek public-private sector agreement on a strategic U.S. approach to work collaboratively in relevant 5G standards venues. Both private and public sector stakeholders agree on the importance of promoting competition and vendor choice, while also managing the security risks associated with 5G networks. The U.S. is best able to do this through a strong public-private partnership to develop and implement the best technical standards that are globally applicable.
Time and again, the U.S. standardization community has demonstrated that partnership and collective action delivers the strongest and most responsive solutions. Let me close by expressing once again my appreciation to each of you, our members, for your dedication and commitment to ANSI, the U.S. private sector-led voluntary consensus standardization system, and the nation.
Joe Bhatia