The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has issued
In May 2020, ANSI issued a call to action to encourage its members and constituents to review questions related to the standardization community, as outlined in NTIA's request for comments to support the strategy.
The Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020 (Act), signed into law in March 2020, requires the development of a strategy to ensure the security of next generation wireless communications systems and infrastructure. Such strategy shall (1) ensure the security of 5G wireless communications systems and infrastructure within the United States; (2) assist mutual defense treaty allies, strategic partners, and other countries in maximizing the security of 5G systems and infrastructure; and (3) protect the competitiveness of U.S. companies, the privacy of U.S. consumers, and the impartiality of standards-setting bodies.
ANSI's coordinated response addresses both standards-related aspects related to The National Strategy to Secure 5G of the United States of America's line of effort 4 to Promote Responsible Global Development and Deployment of 5G, and conformity assessment-related aspects of the strategy's line of effort 1 to Facilitate Domestic 5G Rollout, among other comments.
In part, ANSI's response reads: "It is critical for U.S. companies to participate strategically in all relevant 5G standards-setting activities to enhance the compatibility of the final standards with their technologies. Continued access to global forums where 5G standards setting is taking place, while respecting national security constraints, is critical to U.S. competitiveness."
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