ANSI is the registration authority for the U.S. for organization names under the global registration process established by ISO and ITU. The registration service provides an unambiguous organization identifier. The service conforms with ITU X.660|ISO/IEC 9834-1, which describes a hierarchy of registration authorities. Information objects are unambiguously identified by constructed names composed of one component from each level of the Registration Authority hierarchy under which the information object is registered. This name is unique, since each component along the path through the hierarchy from the root to the registered object is guaranteed to be unique within the scope of the Registration Authority assigning that name component. The ANSI organization name registration service assigns one name component.
ANSI maintains a database that is searched with every new registration request to ensure that duplicate identifiers are never registered.
A formal procedure has been developed within ANSI to administer this process. These procedures specify the syntax of names assigned by this Registration Authority, describe the way in which applications for Organization names are handled, including mechanisms for assuring the assigning of unique names at this level in the hierarchy, and provide for the assignment of Organization names. The procedure is available from the Registration Coordinator Henry Cheung (Phone: 212.642.4975, e-mail: [email protected]).
In order to recover costs, ANSI charges a one-time registration fee for this service.
The syntax of the organization name is composed of a numeric form assigned by ANSI and an alphanumeric form provided by the organization. Each of these identifiers is unique within the ANSI register. The identifiers are globally unambiguous when added to a sequence of identifiers that precede it in the hierarchy. The preceding identifiers are {2 16 840 1}. They represent {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) US(840) organization(1)} in the hierarchy.
Note that the organizational identifier is converted to hex in 3 octets. The conversion usually is made pairwise into each octet. For further documentation, please see the ATM Forum.
An organization seeking registration may also contact ANSI to obtain an application form (212.642.4975, [email protected]). The organization may request a numeric identifier and optionally an alphanumeric identifier. Upon request for an alphanumeric identifier, ANSI will submit the organization name to a three-month public review period in their bi-monthly publication Standards Action before the registration is approved.
As an example, if Company Y were to request registration of its name as the alphanumeric identifier in this service, a representative would submit the request form, along with the fee. ANSI would assign a numeric identifier, review the application, and search its database to be sure that "Company Y" did not duplicate an existing alphanumeric identifier. "Company Y" would be placed on the public review list. Following the review period, as provided in the procedures, and absent challenges, the requester would be notified of its registration. Assuming that the integer value assigned by ANSI was 113526, the identifiers may be used as described below. It is assured that neither the alphanumeric "Company Y" nor the integer "113526" would be assigned to any other organization within ANSI's register.
There are various uses for the identifiers. To be unambiguous, the context must be established. The context is established by the standard, protocol or implementer agreement that makes use of registered identifiers. In some cases, the context is explicitly included in communication by carrying in the protocol the complete and unambiguous path through the tree (e.g., object ids). In other cases, the context is implicit in some agreement to use registered identifiers from the ANSI register in a specific context (e.g., NSAPs). In all cases, the determination of how to use the ANSI-registered identifiers is not stated or implied by ANSI. Rather, the register is a resource that others may cite as appropriate (see examples given below).
Organizations may establish sub-authorities to register objects within their organizations. Using the example above, Company Y would establish a Registration Authority with the root of {2 16 840 1 113526}.
Object identifiers required by OSI International Standards and Recommendations may be constructed using this root. Should the Company Y Registration Authority described above register an integer identifier "32" for some entity, the object identifier for that entity would be {2 16 840 1 113526 32}.
According to ANSI X3.216, the integer identifier shall be used in Network Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses. International Standards define various formats for NSAPs. ANSI allocates and assigns values to parts of the NSAP for all those with an AFI of 39, IDI of 840. Using the integer identifier for an organization ensures that no duplication of NSAPs can occur. Each organization will have to ensure that no duplicates are created within its own identifier space. Continuing the example, NSAPs containing AFI=39, IDI=840, Organization identifier=113526 would be administered by Company Y using the ANSI X3.216 format. The value of the numeric identifier used in the domain-specific part of the NSAP address shall be converted to a binary value obtained by encoding the integer value according to the network address encoding procedure defined in ISO 8348, Addendum 2. Company Y is responsible for assigning values to the remaining part of each NSAP to ensure no duplication and adherence to the ANSI format.
Note: For the above uses, only the integer form of the identifier is required.
The alphanumeric identifier may be used to create relative distinguished names for the ITU X.500 and ISO/IEC 9594 Directory Services.
Other uses of the identifiers are not restricted to the examples mentioned. Because the identifiers are unambiguous, they may be used in a variety of other environments and for various encoding methods. Users must make their own agreements concerning formats, syntax, preservation of unambiguousness, and other characteristics.
No. If the fully qualified organization identifiers are used in a context for which the U.S. Registration authority is applicable, they are globally unambiguous and usable worldwide. The values assigned by ANSI may not be used with qualifiers representing other countries unless they are registered in those countries.
The identifiers assigned to an organization by registering with ANSI will not be associated with another organization. The ownership of the identifier(s) may be transferred upon request by an official of the organization. An organization may want to publish these identifiers if they are associated with its products or services used by other organizations. The extent to which an organization makes its identifiers known for such uses is determined by its own requirements.
ANSI is not currently publishing a directory of identifiers. Such a service may be offered in the future, subject to demand. Alphanumeric identifiers are published for public review in the ANSI publication Standards Action during the registration process, for the purpose of exposing name registration applications to challenge.
The assignment of an organization name to an organization is permanent. However, ownership of registered identifiers may be transferred, and an alphanumeric identifier may be deleted at the request of the registered organization. The alphanumeric name may not be registered by another owner. There are also provisions for changing registration information about the "owner" to accommodate name and address changes that may occur.
Completed applications should be sent to ANSI, at the following address:
Henry Cheung
Registration Coordinator
25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
Applications can also be faxed to the following: 212.398.0023.
The fee should accompany the application. ANSI accepts the following as payment: check, money order, American Express, Mastercard, and Visa.
Note: Applications cannot be processed without the accompanying fee (see fee schedule below). If the application is faxed and the organization wishes to pay by check, the Registration Coordinator will hold the application until such fee is received. The same holds true for applications sent with a purchase order.
Registration fee for both name forms (numeric and alphanumeric): $2,500
Registration fee for numeric name: $1,000
Registration fee for alphanumeric name (numeric name previously assigned): $1,500
Challenge Fee: $2,500
Challenge Loser Fee: To be determined
Register Update Fee: $100
Inquiry Fee (per item): $100