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ISA’s Podcast Focuses on Automation and Smart Agriculture


The International Society of Automation (ISA) has launched a podcast exploring the transformative potential of automation technologies in agriculture, showcasing how smart farming can have a positive impact on farmers.

Moderator Morgan Foor discusses smart agriculture and how it differs from traditional farming with experts Leon Staples, Staples Farm, ISA past president; Jim McGlone, CTO, Automation Strategy and Performance; and Dr. Alu Dehghantanha, founding director, Cyber Science Lab, University of Guelph.

The experts also home in on how incorporating smart farming techniques, such as laser-based targeting in fields, often helps boost cost savings and sustainability efforts. The podcast tackles one of the biggest agricultural challenges: how farmers can balance adapting new technologies within the tried-and-true farming landscape to achieve positive outcomes.

Access the latest Podomation episode, “Automation and Smart Agriculture” on ISA’s podcast or YouTube pages.


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