The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) convened a joint session of its National Policy Advisory Group (NPAG) and International Policy Advisory Group (IPAG) on April 25, 2024, to explore two topics of critical importance to the national and international standardization communities: external stakeholders’ views of global standards dynamics; and public-private partnership opportunities in standardization supporting the green transition.
Speaking on the views of global standards dynamics from stakeholders outside of the standards community was Nigel Cory, associate director, trade policy, ITIF; Cameron Kerry, distinguished visiting fellow, governance studies, Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution; and Lydia Sizer, Special Competitive Studies Project.
Panelists and attendees explored new aspects of standards activity that have come into play with critical and emerging technologies, with socio-technical and geopolitical elements that extend beyond the economic impact traditionally associated with standards. As the U.S. government continues to be an active partner in the nation’s industry-led standards system, attendees expressed the importance of public-private partnerships and maintaining the industry-led, government-supported approach to the U.S. system. Beyond national cooperation among public and private sector participants, the value of collaborating with international partners was also emphasized—particularly with complex and impactful technologies like artificial intelligence.
The second panel, which explored the standards landscape surrounding sustainability, featured participants Caitlin D’Onofrio, sustainability program manager, ULSE; Maureen Hinman, co-founder and executive chair, Silverado Accelerator; and Isabelle Sgro Rojas, senior engineer and senior principal scientist at Energetics, and contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy, Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office.
Discussions centered on standards for decarbonization and other areas that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting the progression of standardization and the challenges that hinder progress, particularly in an international landscape. If products are made and/or measured differently across international markets, how can they be accurately assessed and compared? Panelists explored the role of conformity assessment and third-party verification, noting IP challenges that may arise with increased oversight. Another area of discussion was increasing—and increasingly diverse—participants in standards for critical and emerging technologies. As new players enter the system, they may need support from long-standing participants in standardization who can share institutional knowledge.
Among the common themes that emerged from the discussions was the need for greater engagement and improved communications between the government and private sector, as well as increased involvement from civil societies. The IPAG and NPAG will examine this and other opportunities to further strengthen the system and achieve shared cross-sector goals.
ANSI thanks all panelists and participants for their contributions to the discussion.