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Standardization for Smart Cities and Data Use: Register for IEC Webinars


International standards are a vital element to effective and beneficial smart cities, supporting the use of data to promote safety and sustainability. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is holding two free webinars, hosted jointly by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 1 and the IEC Academy, to explore international standardization collaboration solutions related to smart cities and data.

Standards collaboration on data use in smart cities” will cover current standardization work on data use to support data-driven technologies, as well as the challenges and solutions for data use in smart cities. Discussions and presentations will cover:

  1. What standardization activities have taken place for data use to support data-based, data-driven, and data-enabled ICT development and applications?
  2. What challenges are being faced for data use in smart cities?
  3. What solutions would be appropriate for data use in smart cities from city-wide multi-stakeholders’ interests?

Day 1: January 31, 2024, 6:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. EST

Draft agenda topics include:

  • Data use standardization issues and concerns from ISO/TC 268/SC 1/WG 4, Data exchange and sharing for smart community infrastructures
  • Data use standardization issues and concerns from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 6, Data usage in data management and interchange
  • Standardization projects dealing with the use of data in cloud computing services
  • Towards trustworthy data infrastructure: standardization efforts in ITU-T
  • SC 42/WG 3, Trustworthiness of AI, work and the relevance to WG 11, Smart cities

Day 2: February 2, 2024, 6:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. EST

Draft agenda topics include:

  • Developing a local data ecosystem using Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms
  • Overview of IEEE P3800 DTS (Data Trading System)
  • Data sovereignty as a key enabler for data economy and data spaces
  • Standardization ecosystem harmonization for data governance, processing, and sharing in smart cities and communities
  • Data economy: opportunities and challenges
  • Standardization of data use in smart cities

ANSI encourages all interested stakeholders to register for one or both webinars.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]