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Make an Impact on Quantum Technologies: Join USNC TAG for New IEC/ISO Joint Technical Committee


Calling all U.S. stakeholders: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages interested experts to participate in the USNC Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the newly formed International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)/International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 3, Quantum Technologies.

In January, the USNC Technical Management Committee approved the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)—which has released two documents on Quantum Readiness open for public comment—as the USNC TAG Administrator for JTC 3.

About JTC 3 on Quantum Technologies

Following the approval of a proposal from the British Standards Institution (BSI) for IEC and ISO to form a JTC, in November 2023, the IEC Standardization Management Board (IEC/SMB) and the ISO Technical Management Board (ISO/TMB) announced the scope of the JTC 3:

  • Standardization in the field of quantum technologies.
  • The scope includes standardization in the field of quantum technologies, including quantum information technologies (quantum computing and quantum simulation), quantum metrology, quantum sources, quantum detectors, quantum communications, and fundamental quantum technologies. The JTC will coordinate the results of these efforts with relevant committees and subcommittees that have within their scopes the development of specific sector-based applications of quantum technologies.
  • Excluded: Specific sector-based applications and standardization in the fields of information technology (JTC 1 and its subcommittees), nanotechnology (IEC TC 113 and ISO TC 229), fibre optics (IEC TC 86), cryogenic vessels (ISO TC 220), and semiconductors (IEC TC 47).
  • Liaisons: JTC 1 and its appropriate subcommittees, IEC TC 46, IEC TC 47, IEC TC 62, IEC TC 86, IEC TC 90, IEC TC 113, ISO TC 172, ISO TC 201, ISO TC 206, ISO TC 220, ISO TC 229, ITU-T, ETSI, CEN & CENELEC JTC 22.

The new JTC will operate under the IEC Directives Supplement and IEC IT system, and ANSI staff assigned to the USNC/IEC will facilitate and coordinate related activities; the ANSI internal oversight of the USNC TAG for the new JTC is under the USNC Technical Management Committee (USNC/TMC).

How to Get Involved

Stakeholders interested in becoming a member of the USNC TAG to JTC 3 should email Tony Zertuche ([email protected])  or Ade Gladstein ([email protected]).


Related News:

Establishment of a U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the New IEC/ISO Joint Technical Committee on Quantum Technologies

NIST Releases Post-Quantum Cryptography Practice Guide Draft


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


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