As the U.S. has significant experience in relation to hydrogen production, technology, and policies, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages relevant U.S. stakeholders to respond to an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) survey focused on the feasibility and value of developing an international standard on the production of low-carbon hydrogen. Survey responses are due by January 17, 2022.
The survey is part of an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) funded, New Zealand-led project, SCSC 05 2020 – Low-Carbon Hydrogen International Standard. Relevant stakeholders include economy representatives, standards development organizations, conformity assessment bodies, accreditation bodies, energy and climate change response subject-matter experts, hydrogen suppliers, industry associations, verifiers and assurance providers and relevant regulatory bodies.
The survey is intended to reflect different views on the definition and criteria of low-carbon hydrogen, existing standards relevant to low-carbon hydrogen, the value of developing a low-carbon hydrogen international standard, and how a low-carbon hydrogen international standard could be implemented, particularly from the perspective of certification, accreditation, and assurance. The survey will help identify gaps in knowledge to address, the state and trends of low-carbon hydrogen development in APEC economies, and existing standards that have aspects of interest to APEC economies.
Survey responses will inform an issues paper that will be presented at a workshop and published on the APEC website.
More on Low-Carbon Hydrogen
“Low-carbon hydrogen” generally describes hydrogen produced by methods that emit relatively low levels of greenhouse gases (CO2 and others). Internationally, the terminology for classifying hydrogen based on its production method varies. The benefits of a low-carbon hydrogen international standard which suits the APEC context, include supporting emission reduction commitments, economic development, and trade.
As the APEC region accounts for around 60 percent of world energy demand, an internationally recognized standard has the potential to help provide confidence for investment in developing APEC economies to develop their domestic renewable energy resources to support low-carbon hydrogen production. It will also help participants in the hydrogen market understand the basis for calculating the impact of the product on emissions.
Access the survey, launched by the New Zealand project team at the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.