Did You Know? offers a quick look at the broad scope of activities underway within the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Federation of members and partners, highlighting recent accomplishments and new resources related to standardization.
UL and SAE to Collaborate on Autonomous Vehicle Standards Development
ANSI members Underwriters Laboratories(UL) and SAE International have signed a Memorandum of Understanding formalizing a partnership centered on autonomous vehicles and other automotive applications.
The agreement outlines several goals for the organizations as they explore autonomous vehicles, including promoting communication and increasing knowledge of each other's standards development activities; avoiding duplication of work efforts; facilitating participation in each other's standards development efforts; undertaking joint standards development initiatives; and exploring opportunities for collaborative agreements with other standards development organizations, among others.
"As we expand our knowledge base in the area of automotive and other mobility-related fields in line with our safety-based mission, we are very fortunate to have a partner of the caliber of SAE International," said UL vice president global standards Phil Piqueira. "Their long history and established expertise in these fields is invaluable, and we are honored to be supporting their work as well."
"The automated vehicle technology inspires many activities around the world, among them standardization," said Jack Pokrzywa, SAE International's global ground vehicle standards director. "The practices developed by committees in various regions must be harmonized to avoid confusion and duplication of efforts. SAE International and Underwriters Laboratories have recently agreed to work together and apply aspects of UL 4600 into the standards developed by the SAE On-Road Automated Driving committee."
Learn more in the organizations' press release on UL and SAE'swebsites.
ICC Extends Deadline for 2021 and 2022 Committee Applications
The International Code Council(ICC), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, has announced that it has extended the application process for its 2021/2022 code development cycle for all code, interpretation, and code correlation committees. The new deadline is June 15, 2020.
ICC chose to extend the deadline due to the current state of affairs surrounding COVID-19, acknowledging that input from professionals is essential for modern building codes to be effective.
"As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times and learn best practices for the new normal,' it will be important that the key learnings we are discovering now will be captured throughout the next code development process and present within the 2021 edition of the International Codes," said ICC chief executive officer Dominic Sims. "With experts predicting a second and potentially even third wave of COVID-19, gathering the expertise of all building professionals will be crucial in ensuring that modern building codes address not only new public health guidelines, but mitigate against future threats to society as well."
Learn more in ICC's news item.
RIMS Webinar Series to Cover Bermuda as a Key Specialist Global Insurance Market
The RIMS - the Risk Management Society,an ANSI member and accredited stands developer, has announced that it will hold a weekly series of free educational webinars on Bermuda's role in there/insurance market.
The webinars will be held each Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. EDT. Topics include managing the increasing cost of catastrophe, captives in the current market, and emerging technologies in the sector. Registration is required for each weekly session.
See RIMS's website to learn more and register for the free webinars.
RVIA Launches New "Faces of RVing" Social Media Campaign
The RV Industry Association(RVIA), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, has released a new series of brand anthem videos promoting RVs with six social media influencers.
The "Faces of RVing" series represents the broad and diverse community of RVers to counteract what may be thought of as a"typical RVer." They target 30-45 year olds, encouraging them to explore RV vacations and visit a local RV dealer. The six social media influencers, who include athletes, families, podcasters, and bloggers, willshare a personal video on RVing across their social media channels.
Visit RVIA's website to see the "Faces of RVing" video series.
CPSC Issues Tips to Avoid Injury Outdoors During COVID-19
In light of the summer weather across the United States, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released a new series of Home Safe Checklists that focus on outdoor activities. The checklists are simple, clear steps intended for the safety of families. Access the links:
For those who do not venture outside as frequently, the CPSC has also produced a series of HomeSafe Checklists:
Access more information, and a brief safety video on the CPSC website.
Approval of TAG Accreditation
ANSI's Executive Standards Council(ExSC) has formally approved the accreditation of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 44/SC 15, Underwaterwelding, and the appointment of the American Welding Society (AWS) as TAG Administrator, effective June 1, 2020. The TAG will operate under the Model Operating Procedures for U.S. Technical Advisory Groups to ANSI for ISO Activities as contained in Annex A of the ANSI International Procedures.For additional information, please contact Andrew Davis, AWS director, international activities (305.443.9353 ext. 466; [email protected]).
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