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ANSI Standards Developer
Accreditation Process


An abbreviated version of the accreditation process, reaccreditation is required when an ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer (ASD) revises their accredited procedures for any reason. This may occur as a result of regular changes to ANSI’s Essential Requirements, at the request of the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC), or at the ASD’s own initiation.

Here's what you do

Step 1: Submit your revised procedures to [email protected], in strike-through-underline format with an explanation of all changes. Revisions should be submitted in a timely manner.

Step 2: Depending on the nature of your revisions, the review process will be one of the following:

  • For most substantive revisions, a full reaccreditation process is required – i.e., public review and ballot to the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) Subcommittee on Accreditation (SC-A).
  • Limited revisions that appear to be in compliance with ANSI’s accreditation requirements may be balloted to the SC-A for approval; the SC-A may decide whether or not additional public review is necessary.
  • Revisions that are made at the direction of the ExSC (e.g., in response to audit recommendations) and those made expressly to bring the procedures in to compliance with the current version of the ANSI Essential Requirements (or excerpted text from the Essential Requirements) may be administratively approved by ANSI staff on behalf of the ExSC.

Step 3: Your reaccreditation is approved and announced in Standards Action.


An abbreviated version of the accreditation process, reaccreditation is required when an ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer (ASD) revises their accredited procedures for any reason. This may occur as a result of regular changes to ANSI’s Essential Requirements, at the request of the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC), or at the ASD’s own initiation.

Here's what you need to know

Essential Requirements section 4.1.3

See a summary of re-accreditation actions

See section 4.1.3


An abbreviated version of the accreditation process, reaccreditation is required when an ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer (ASD) revises their accredited procedures for any reason. This may occur as a result of regular changes to ANSI’s Essential Requirements, at the request of the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC), or at the ASD’s own initiation.

Useful tips

Be sure that any revisions to your accredited procedures clearly mirror your consensus standards development process and ANSI’s Essential Requirements.

Here are the top-ten most common comments made on revised procedures:

  1. References should be to the “current version of the ANSI Essential Requirements”; if you specify a year, then that text will require regular revision.
  2. Balance requirements should be explicitly stated. (Essential Requirements 1.3)
See section 1.3
  1. Note that voting membership on the consensus body may not be conditional upon membership in any organization. (Essential Requirements 2.1)
See section 2.1
  1. Ensure that the interest categories appropriate to the development of consensus in any given standards activity are appropriate to the nature of the standards being developed, and that they are discretely defined, cover all materially affected parties, and differentiate each category from the other categories. Note that such definitions must be available upon request. (Essential Requirements 2.3)
See section 2.3
  1. Recommend inclusion of text describing how comments resulting from the filing of Project Initiation Notification System (PINS) will be addressed (Essential Requirements 2.5.1)
See section 2.5.1
  1. Procedures must clearly provide for a recirculation opportunity - of substantive changes, unresolved objections, and attempts at resolution including consensus body votes and public review comments. (Essential Requirements 2.6)
See section 2.6
  1. Numerical requirements for consensus must be clear – for example, what are the return rates, how will abstentions be handled, etc. (Essential Requirements 2.7)
  2. Be sure that if an ANS-related vote may be taken at meeting, consensus body members must be given an opportunity to vote before or after the meeting. (Essential Requirements 2.7)
See section 2.7
  1. An ASD's appeals policy is required to provide for appeals of actions and inactions, and allow for fair and impartial hearing of procedural appeals by the ASD. (Essential Requirements 2.8)
See section 2.8
  1. Be sure that all administrative policies are addressed: patent (Essential Requirements 3.1); commercial terms & conditions (Essential Requirements 3.2); antitrust (Essential Requirements 3.3); records retention (Essential Requirements 3.4); metric (Essential Requirements 3.5); and interpretations. (Essential Requirements 3.6)
See sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
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ANSI's Procedures and Standards Administration (PSA) staff can answer your questions or provide additional guidance.