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Your Input Sought: Systematic Review of ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on Social Responsibility


Feedback Requested by January 24, 2025

As the U.S. member body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking comments on the systematic review of ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility. Input is requested by January 24, 2025.

ISO 26000 helps organizations translate social responsibility principles into effective actions, and shares best practices relating to social responsibility globally.

ISO has initiated the systematic review of ISO 26000, which provides guidance to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or location, on:

  • concepts, terms, and definitions related to social responsibility;
  • the background, trends, and characteristics of social responsibility;
  • principles and practices relating to social responsibility;
  • the core subjects and issues of social responsibility;
  • integrating, implementing, and promoting socially responsible behavior throughout the organization and, through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence;
  • identifying and engaging with stakeholders; and
  • communicating commitments, performance, and other information related to social responsibility.

Review the document and submit comments to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director of international policy and strategy (, by close of business on January 24. Based on the input received from U.S. stakeholders, a recommended ANSI position and any comments will be developed and presented to the ANSI ISO Council (AIC) for approval before the ISO voting deadline of March 4, 2025.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations



Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist

