As the U.S. member body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking comments on a proposed technical committee (TC) on creative digital design. Submit feedback by August 23.
Creative digital design refers to the human generation of original ideas, images, and styles (either individually or collectively) using digital means, focusing on the creative processes rather than the subsequent editing and manipulation of digital content. According to a proposal submitted by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), China's member body to ISO, digital design has significantly impacted various fields, including e-games, digital art, digital fashion design, and cinema effects, contributing to the global economy. Furthermore, the proposal asserts that creative digital design and related industries have demonstrated significant growth and potential for further expansion in various sectors in recent years.
The proposed ISO TC would operate under the following scope:
“Standardization of protocols, including requirements and guidance, for processes, organization, operations, and capacity building activities related to human-based creative design of digital elements to be used in the field of e-games, digital art, digital fashion design, and cinema effects.”
The scope further notes that the TC’s work would be technology-neutral, excluding specifications related to aspects of information technology. Relevant work within the scopes of the following committees is excluded:
Comments on this proposal should be sent to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director for international policy ([email protected]). All input that ANSI receives by August 23 will be used to develop a recommended ANSI position and comments that will be sent to the ANSI ISO Council for approval before submittal to ISO by the October 1, 2024, voting deadline.