As the U.S. member body to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) seeks comments by April 5 on a draft proposal for a new ISO technical committee on digital marketing—the promotion and advertising through digital channels based on digital technology.
Digital marketing tools or channels include email, social media, and multimedia messaging, distributed on the web or via mobile. According to the proposal, while “traditional marketing” and digital marketing can complement each other to achieve messaging goals, digital marketing can offer benefits such as lower cost, measurability, personalization, and higher ROI, among other advantages. The proposal asserts that digital marketing is complicated and diverse: a lack of unified standards undermines industrial expansion and integration, and potential data security and privacy issues require more guidance and regulation in future development, among other challenges.
Submitted by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), China's member body to ISO, the proposal includes the following scope statement:
“Standardization in the field of terminology, requirements, guidance, practices, tools, and methods for organizations and professionals conducting digital marketing.”
Excluded is relevant work within the scopes of the following committees:
In parallel, the proposed TC will work in cooperation with existing committees on subjects that may support digital marketing.
The aim of the proposed TC is to support organizations and professionals in conducting digital marketing more confidently. Furthermore, standardization work could improve the overall quality level of the digital marketing industry, reducing low-quality, fraudulent, and harmful practices, and thereby enhancing the reputation and sustainability of the entire industry, among other benefits, the proposal asserts.
Read the proposal and submit comments to Steven Cornish, ANSI senior director of international policy and strategy, at [email protected] by close of business on Friday, April 5. All input ANSI receives will be used to develop the ANSI representative input to the ISO Technical Management Board.