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Credential Innovation in Higher Education: Workcred Joined as Partner, Presenter at Joint UPCEA and AACRAO Conference


Workcred joined as a promotional partner and presenter on microcredentials and Certification+Degree pathways at “Convergence: Credential Innovation in Higher Education,” a conference hosted by UPCEA and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) in Washington, DC. The conference, held on November 1-3, 2023, examined new and emerging trends and models, especially at the institutional level, in the emergent field of alternative credentials. 

During the November 2 session, Integrating Microcredentials into Undergraduate Experiences, Workcred’s associate executive director, Karen Elzey, shared how Workcred’s partner, the University of Texas (UT) System, is integrating microcredentials into undergraduate experiences through its partnership with Coursera as a way to provide learners with the skills, knowledge, and competencies most valued by employers.

This year, in collaboration with the UT System, Workcred released a report that guides the development and implementation of microcredentials and how they can be combined with undergraduate experiences. Among its key takeaways, the comprehensive report highlights the use and purposes of microcredentials; factors to consider when building or selecting a microcredential; the relationship between microcredentials and badges; and promising microcredential practices in digital skills and data analytics.

During the November 3 conference session on Launching Effective Certification+Degree Pathways, Isabel Cardenas-Navia, Workcred’s senior director of research, spoke about how Workcred’s community college partners, the Higher Learning Commission, and the League for Innovation in the Community College are launching Certification+Degree (C+D) Pathways as part of Workcred’s three-year grant from ECMC Foundation.

C+D Pathways, which embed industry credentials into degree programs, is a common practice at community colleges, as these pathways are aligned with both student goals and industry needs. Learn more about C+D Pathways and keep up with the latest progress on this project on Workcred’s website.


Read related news:

Integrating Microcredentials into Undergraduate Experiences: Workcred and The University of Texas System Release New Framework Report

Certification+Degree Pathways in Support of First-Generation, Low-Income, and Adult Learners


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]