Standards benefit greatly from consumer input: Consumers who share their experiences and insights as part of the standards development process can help make products, processes, and services better and safer. In its latest effort to encourage consumer participation in voluntary standards—and establish a forum where consumers can share their interests—ANSI has launched a new Request for Participation Opportunities webpage.
The easy-to-navigate page details spotlight topics (e.g., standards in technology), associated reference and news links, and an application form to become a member of a voluntary standards committee.
“We want to make consumer participation easy, so having a page where we promote opportunities and let consumers tell us their interests is a great place for ANSI to help start the process,” said Cleo Stamatos, ANSI consumer and legislative outreach manager.
More Resources for Consumer Participation in Standards!
ANSI’s webpage is the latest resource page designed for consumer participation in standards: Check out why consumers matter on ANSI’s Consumers and Standards webpage, featuring Q&As with leading consumer advocates, ways to get involved and get support, and more.
Join ANSI’s bi-monthly Consumer Safety Central webinars to hear more about the importance of standards development, the need for consumer participants—and ways to get involved. Webinars in the series feature the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s consumer ombudsman Jonathan Midgett and ANSI’s consumer outreach manager Cleo Stamatos. The next session will take place on December 11 [register online]. For details on using a local number, to request accommodations to participate, to receive materials in advance, or to ask a question, please contact Stamatos by email, [email protected].