The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will hold a September workshop on standards and performance metrics for on-road automated vehicles (AVs). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages relevant stakeholders to attend this free online event.
The session will bring together the AV community and provide updates on NIST’s recent work in the area, offering a forum for feedback and setting a path forward for NIST’s efforts to develop standards and performance metrics that provide “the greatest value to the community.”
Background on NIST AV Work
As part of its efforts to enhance work that supports the AV sector, in 2022, NIST held a “Standards and Performance Metrics for On-Road Autonomous Vehicles” workshop to solicit stakeholder feedback with respect to challenges and opportunities in developing standards and performance metrics for the field. The output of the workshop is summarized in the publication, “Workshop Report: Standards and Performance Metrics for On-Road,” and reveals a number of key areas in which NIST could have an impact through its work.
To support AV systems, NIST reports that it has started to perform research and explore performance metrics and standards in a number of those areas, including artificial intelligence (AI), communications, cybersecurity, perception, and systems interaction.
Access more information and register for the NIST workshop on September 5-8, 2023. The link to the virtual session will be sent to registered attendees on September 1.