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U.S.-Korea Open Forum to Address Key Topics Relevant to U.S. and Korean Standards: AI, Green Buildings, UAS, and More


Registration is now open for the 2022 U.S.-Korea Standards Forum, being co-hosted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Korean Agency for Technology Standards (KATS).

Scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, this annual forum establishes a valuable platform for leaders and subject-matter experts from government, academia, and industries from both countries to enhance mutual understanding, exchange expertise and best practices, and develop future cooperation, especially in areas of key emerging technologies such as quantum, artificial intelligence, intelligent transportation, etc.

This year’s event is a hybrid meeting, with in-person attendance at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. The intended audience is high-level executives from ANSI and KATS, and relevant stakeholders from government, academia, and industries from the U.S. and South Korea.

Speakers at the forum will share insights on standards development, technology trends, and market demands, while exploring opportunities for collaboration between the U.S. and South Korea. Expert speakers will include:

  • Joe Bhatia, ANSI President and CEO, and Sanghoon Lee, KATS Aadministrator, providing opening and welcome remarks
  • Yonghyun Lee, Director of International Standards Cooperation Division of KATS, and David Miller, Director of Standards for API and Chair of ANSI International Policy Advisory Group, delivering keynote speeches
  • Pat Baird, Senior Regulatory Specialist – Head of Global Software Standards, Phillips, and Co-chair of the AAMI technical committee on AI, speaking on artificial intelligence in healthcare and the relevant standardization and strategy status quo in the U.S.
  • Judy Zakreski, Vice President of Global Services, ICC, speaking on the standards and regulatory landscape in the U.S. for green buildings and relevant innovations
  • Amit Ganjoo, Founder and CEO of ANRA Technologies, speaking on intelligent transportation and ASTM F3548, Standard Specification for UAS Traffic Management (UTM) UAS Service Supplier (USS) Interoperability
  • Dr. David Steel, Executive Director, Standards and Engagement of UL, speaking on the standards development of clean energy

Additional speakers and topics will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

Learn more, view the draft agenda, and register for in-person or online attendance: 2022 U.S.-Korea Standards Forum.

If you have any questions about your registration, please contact Samantha Yost ([email protected]). For questions about the event itself, please contact Laiyin Yuan ([email protected]) or Joseph Conrad ([email protected]).


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]