To help inform development of a national strategy on privacy-preserving data sharing and analytics and associated policy initiatives, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) requests public input on methods for responsibly harnessing the benefits of data sharing and analytics while protecting and preserving privacy. OSTP is particularly interested in privacy-preserving data sharing and analytics technologies such as secure multiparty computation, homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proofs, federated learning, secure enclaves, differential privacy, and synthetic data generation tools.
Following the comment period, OSTP will propose actions that may include research investments, training and education initiatives, and the development of standards, policy, and regulations needed to achieve privacy-preserving data sharing for the benefit of individuals and society.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages its members and data-privacy stakeholders—including standards developers, industry experts, academia, government and non-governmental organizations, and the public—to review the Federal Register notice and email comments to [email protected] by the July 8 deadline.