Access the latest legislative and regulatory initiatives of significant relevance to the standardization community in the newly launched ANSI Government Relations and Public Policy Monthly Update. Compiled by Mary Saunders, ANSI vice president of government relations, the publication is a special new benefit to ANSI members, and is accessible via the government outreach section on ANSI.org.
The report is part of ANSI's ongoing effort to empower its members with information on the latest federal and Congressional developments impacting industry and the standardization community. The latest issue reflects leading issues in 2021, and addresses topics including:
The report author, Mary Saunders, serves as an integral liaison between ANSI and federal, state, and local government agencies, and Congressional staff, and helps identify and coordinate ANSI stakeholders and facilitates discussions regarding leading issues of importance for the conformity assessment and standardization community. She recently served as a volunteer on Joe Biden’s 20-person agency review team for the Department of Commerce, helping the administration understand agency operations so it would be prepared to hit the ground running on day one. Mary also served as an Officer of the ANSI Board from 2012 to 2017, stepping up in 2014 to guide the Institute as Interim Board Chair. Prior to joining ANSI, Ms. Saunders was the associate director for management resources for NIST, and served as a vice chair on the ANSI Board of Directors. She also formerly served as the director of NIST's Standards Coordination Office.
Current and previous issues of the ANSI Government Relations and Public Policy Monthly Update are accessible to ANSI members via the government outreach section on the ANSI website. The publication will also be announced monthly in ANSI’s newsletter, What’s New?.
For additional information or to provide feedback, contact Mary Saunders at [email protected].