The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) encourages interested stakeholders to join a series of virtual workshops to develop an International Workshop Agreement (IWA 37) on the Safety, Security and Sustainability of Cannabis Facilities and Operations. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and UL will host the workshop series, to be held between November 2020 and May 2021. Registration is required by September 30, 2020.
A Snapshot of Cannabis and an IWA to Improve Safety
Recreational cannabis use is legal in Canada, and 33 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medicinal use, and 11 states have legalized cannabis for recreational use. In recent years, the cannabis industry has produced innovative products, including oils, skincare, beverages, and even chocolates—growing the potential of the market.
As the IWA informational document notes, "While legalization is being deliberated by governments and legislative bodies, companies are creating their own infrastructure in anticipation of legal approval. Meanwhile, government regulators and the societies they serve are grappling with the lack of consistent rules and guidance to deliver safety, security and sustainability of cannabis facilities and operations, while growers and producers use their own judgment on how to establish and operate facilities."
To that end, the International Workshop is intended to develop three documents covering the safety, security, and sustainability of buildings, facilities, equipment, and systems used for the cultivation, production, processing, transportation, and sale of cannabis and cannabis products.
The three workshops will cover:
What is an IWA?
An IWA is a type of document that is developed with direct participation of stakeholders outside of the traditional ISO country representation system to enable players to negotiate in an open workshop environment. After the IWA workshop, text will be edited and published.
Access more information about the IWA, dates, and registration details via the invitation.