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Weekly COVID-19 Update: Aircraft for Life Saving Deliveries, a Timeline on the Coronavirus Cybersecurity Impact, and More


The ANSI Federation and standardization community are stepping up with guidance, resources, and initiatives to support public health, safety, and infrastructure during the COVID-19 outbreak. ANSI is monitoring, sharing, and promoting appropriate news to highlight these efforts. Suggestions for news items may be submitted to All submissions are published at ANSI's discretion.

The Aluminum Association Launches Survey on "Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on the Aluminum Industry"

The Aluminum Association in its pandemic response launched an industry-wide survey: "Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on the Aluminum Industry." The survey supports sharing best health and safety practices for the aluminum industry related to the spread of COVID-19 and aims to help participants better understand its impact on aluminum-related supply chains and end-use markets.

The association plans to conduct this survey, which should take around 10 minutes to complete, every two weeks so they can share with participants ifand howconditions are evolving.

Find a summary of the second survey results online. Check out the association's COVID-19 resources webpage to find out how to participate.

ISEA Details How PPE Manufacturers and Suppliers Respond to COVID-19

The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) has published need-to-know industry information related to how manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (PPE) are responding to COVID, and lists a Q&A for Distributors & Users of PPE.

Recently published articles to support the COVID response include an article on PPE Considerations for Reopening the Workplace, and how to Ensure the Efficiency of Your Respirators.

ISEA also shares how to donate, buy, and sell PPE, and what federal policy updates to follow on its webpage:

Lockheed Martin Shares its Aircraft Global Relief Efforts

To highlight how Lockheed Martin-produced aircraft are aiding COVID-19 relief and recovery missions, the company is highlighting stories about its C-130 Hercules, C-5 Super Galaxy, Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopter and its storied Electra, and describes how these planes are playing critical roles delivering medical crews and supplies where the needs are greatest.

The site also features news on how Lockheed Martin recently donated $18 million to communities supporting urgent relief and recovery efforts. See more on the company website.

Materials Handling Industry Offers Resources by Agency and Industry

As part of its effort to monitor information regarding COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus and its impact on material handling, logistics, and supply chain operations, the Materials Handling Industry (MHI) is offering a downloadable list of general COVID-19 resources grouped by agency, and industry-specific resources grouped by industry.

MHI's site also has a list of business continuity and workplace resources, and other health related COVID resources.

Optiv Launches Timeline on Covid-19's Impact on Cybersecurity

Between the abrupt shift to work from home models, and opportunistic attackers on the rise, COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis because of its cybersecurity impact. Optiv has launched an interactive timeline (updated frequently) that helps illustrate how COVID impacts personal and professional business, and actions to take and how to plan for a post-pandemic world.

The timeline features news headlines on COVID-19 events and the cybersecurity impact, with advice on how to avoid phishing scams and how to harden security operations.

On its COVID-19 response webpage, Optiv also provides resources including a webinar, Is Cybersecurity Virus Resistant?, a number of blog posts, and technical checklists, including tips on Securing Work from Home.

See more ANSI member efforts in the ANSI COVID-19 Resource Webpage Highlighting Standardization Community Response Efforts.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations



Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist

