Did You Know? offers a quick look at the broad scope of activities underway within the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Federation of members and partners, highlighting recent accomplishments and new resources related to standardization.
IAPMO Seeks Subcommittee Members with Knowledge on Press Connections, Shower Enclosures, and Shower/Steam Panels
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), an ANSI member and audited designator, is seeking technical subcommittee members for the development of IAPMO Z1154 and IAPMO Z1117.
The scope of IAPMO Z1154 addresses shower/steam panels, enclosures for showers and tub/shower combinations, bathtubs and tub/shower combinations with glass pressure-sealed doors, and floor-mounted showers intended for new and retrofit applications. Volunteers will ideally have a technical background in plumbing and mechanical systems, with specific knowledge of press connections and/or shower enclosures and shower/steam panels. Jurisdictional authorities, testing lab and educational facility representatives, and manufacturing experts may be interested in this opportunity.
See the IAPMO press release to learn more.
ASCE Offers Glimpses of "Infrastructure Reimagined" in Future World Vision
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), an ANSI member and accredited standards developer, has developed a website called Future World Vision, which showcases how technological advances may influence societal changes and how engineers can design, build, operate, and maintain infrastructure systems as a response to those changes. Futureworldvision.org identifies six important macrotrends - including alternative energy, autonomous vehicles, climate change, smart cities, high-tech construction, and policy and funding - identified as key drivers of change for civil engineers and the build environment. The website also showcases scenarios to provide a basis to better understand and prepare for what the future may hold:
Future World Vision encourages engineers and stakeholders to imagine how the world could be, with a 4-D computer simulation model that combines elements of movies, video games, research papers, and science projects that support user interaction.
Learn more about the ongoing initiative at www.futureworldvision.org.
SHRM Report Highlights Benefits of Disability Inclusion in the Workplace
A new report released by ANSI member the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) indicates that many organizations misunderstand the value of employees with disabilities.
The report demonstrates a knowledge gap caused by a lack of workplace training on disability programs, and low awareness of the value brought by people with disabilities. Although nearly all HR professionals (97%) indicated that employees with disabilities regularly perform the same or better than peers without disabilities, half have never participated in disability inclusion training and less than 15 percent of organizations have disability inclusions initiatives.
SHRM is partnering with the Workplace Initiative to help HR professionals understand how to build an inclusive culture in the workplace that includes hiring, retaining, and advancing employees with disabilities. Learn more in the SHRM news item.
AATCC Launches New Newsletter and Email Customization Options
AATCC, an ANSI member, has launched TEXBites, an email newsletter distributed each Friday that covers the latest information on the textile industry.
The newsletter provides readers with links to textile news from a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, transportation, sustainability, fashion, retail, technology, and e-textiles. In addition to receiving TEXBites, industry stakeholders can choose to sign up for several email lists that offer information on areas of interest: AATCC News, Events, Foundation/Scholarships, and Students.
Current mailing lists will soon be discontinued, and all stakeholders must opt-in to continue receiving news from AATCC. Learn more in the AATCC news item.
Approval of TAG Accreditation
ANSI's Executive Standards Council (ExSC) has formally approved the accreditation of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO TC 321, Transaction assurance in E-Commerce,and the appointment of ASC X9, Inc. as TAG administrator, effective February 5, 2020. The TAG will operate under the Model Operating Procedures for U.S. Technical Advisory Groups to ANSI for ISO Activities as contained in Annex A of the ANSI International Procedures. For additional information, please contact Janet Busch, program manager for Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc. (410.267.7707; [email protected]).
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